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Authorfor portal of time 40+ fights
so my last battle was level 40 and it was tough to be honest
I have 1850 crystals and not recruiting is expensive at this moment
so my options now is to increase one of the stats atk dfns ets
or magic level 1 which costs 300 I don't know if it worth this much of crystals or not
that's why I need your advice guys
I didn't play 40+ yet, but I believe mg1 isn't worth because you can do spells with creatures like dark sibyls / pit demons which are also valuable creatures even after they cast their spells. Also, as long as you have crystals left after recruiting, or if recruiting gets too expensive, of course you can invest them in parameters.
magic level 1 which costs 300 I don't know if it worth this much of crystals or not

MG1 is definitely something I would recommend, mass rapid etc can be a life saver.
for ParaLeul:
pit demons and death heralds or how was they called will be first ones to die if there is any top tier troop around.
Yea, I am on lvl 50 couldnt get past with old tactics .

Proclaimers/Liches/Demi doesnt work anymore against massive stacks
I am on 45 and invested all 2,2k in units not even oarameters and i am on min ap (33) atm.

Is it worth it to buy parameters? (i run 6 titan 6 stormcaller 8 upgraded titan 28 trapper 4 pit demon 4 upgraded witches and 4 skyshaman atm)
Yes, probably getting 9 army parameters would help.
9 of each?
No, 9% army I mean. That will give you +1 creature to 6 titan 6 stormcaller 8 upgraded titan.
AAAAH recruitment, i ll try that :)

I misunderstood and did the others lets see how this goes XD
closed by Corey (2017-06-18 01:45:52)
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