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AuthorAI taking over troops in AFK battle
Here I was for an MG quest. I did not switch off the system, just the monitor. When I came back, it showed that I lost the battle and on the homepage there was -2 luck. I thought that AI takes over if the troops are not settled in time
AI does not take over for thief guild battle.
only for pvp.
only for pvp.
except duels and pvp ambush you die in 5 missed turns.
And defences
AI will take over in defences, just to clarify.
Ok, that is strange. Howcome thief battle is an exception? I am sure there would be a post for the same in "ideas and suggestions" because people wont exit the game but would at least do something else rather than chat or forum
its not strange. The purpose of AI takeover is to benefit your allies, not yourself. You are infact punished for afking. That's why it wont apply in any solo battles.
only for pvp.

occasionally catching a real player doesn't make it pvp in total.
Anyways thats all I wanted to know
closed by Veer_K (2017-09-25 14:13:50)
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