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Authori need help
once i have a account -no-mercy- (https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=6582940)

i was taking some loan to different players

can i return that loaning amount on this account

kindly help me
No you can't. You loaned gold at your own risk and you won't get it back.
Or in your specific case, they loaned at their own risk.

You can gift them the gold back if you so wish though. But it looks like they have already been blocked for unsigned multi or illegal transfers.
my friend gave me 125k gold loan and i am not a cheater i want to back them

it is possible
Officially no, but you can send them gifts as mentioned by Meshy.
But make sure it doesn't extend your monthly gift limit. You could try gifting your friends from your leftover limit every month, if you wish so.
How much is the monthly gift limit?
3.15. There are limits for transfers intended as gifts. Gifts from a grantor to any particular player must not exceed 10,000 gold * [Combat level of the grantor] + 250 * [Diamonds obtained by the grantor through donations] per month.
source: https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=5
250 * [Diamonds obtained by the grantor through donations] per month.

Can you explain me this?
It's basic numeracy.

If someone has donated and obtained 100 diamonds they can gift an extra 25,000 every month.
closed by Sun the God (2017-10-06 15:39:17)
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