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Want to know you guys


AuthorWant to know you guys
As I am thinking about game I would like to get to know the people from our community. I created this off-game topic to find where are other guys from, what they like, what are they doing, it enterest me, how old are they etc. :)

I will start, my name is Lukas, I am 29 years old, I work like quality technician in german company, i dont have much hobbies, comp, excel, girlfriend :)
Hello Lucas ,
I am Harris.I am 20 years old and at the moment i am studying at the technical university of Crete , at the departments of electrical & computer engineering.
I have a bunch of roses but mostly studying ;)
Hey Lucas!
My name is Kartik,I am from India, I am 18 years old! I started playing this game when I was 11 or 12 years old! Then left due to study commitments! I returned this year! I'm studying Computer Science and Engineering in Indian Institute of Technology!

I don't have much hobbies! I like to play Badminton! I study a bit and spend the rest of time playing LWM! Also I love playing Fifa with my friends :P

I am 35 years old, married with 3 girls (6,4,2) and am an assistant head teacher (I teach chemistry) from the UK.

Played this from early days though with big gaps when I cannot manage my time (bit of a secret gamer) so have to be very careful how much time I commit as my priorities are wife and kids, then work then what is left over comes this way. Hence more PvE as I can slot it into the little gaps I have, though prefer PvP at root, but have to be careful when I can fit it in.

No time for hobbies other than this!
for Lord MilesTeg:

married with 3 girls (6,4,2)

Haha, Was a bit misleading
Really? I thought it would be obvious it was their ages? Perhaps should have said three daughters.
a comma would have been enough!
35 years old, married, with 3 girls :P
Really? I thought it would be obvious it was their ages? Perhaps should have said three daughters.

It's obviously for people who are from the UK, since it's a common phrase. :)

I am Mesh, 23 years old, work as an economist for the civil service, from the UK. Not married, and no kids :P
[Post deleted by moderator Meshy // User requested]
Hey ,

i am 27 years old , engaged , have no kids , i am Latvian but living at UK .
my occupation is supervisor at factory but probably not for long .

My hobbies are poker and gaming

I am Richard, 37 years old, married, 1 boy (6) from Hungary.
Working as a senior business consultant (as economist) for an IT company prodcing software for banking industry.

Played this game for years before, returned after 4 years brake and started it over with a new character!
As for hobbies:

I play football (goalkeeper at companies team), watch NFL and play strategy games, RPG games and play poker sometimes
Hi all!

My name is Aman and I am 22. Right now I am a cell and molecular biology senior major from University of Texas at Austin. Last year, during my spring semester, I started working part-time as a teaching assistant for Statistical and Data Sciences and Biochemistry. Well, most of the natural sciences interests me, besides i really enjoy video games and reading novels whenever i can. I also love to get familiar with different languages and cultures. Currently on a winter break and staying in India with parents.
Nice to read where and what ny fellow mates do and it seems im surrounded by an intelligent company.

Academically I've very mainstream persuasions as I'm getti g a bachelors in computer science engineering and I love studying several fielde of physics on the side. Apart fron that, I consider myself a modest natural strength athlete seeking to compete in the future. Sadly, there aren't many natural federations here in india. I enjoy studying about various aspects of strength training as well.

In the end, as would be common with many of us, I play a few games on PC. I've tried multiplayer games like CS GO, COD etc but I recurrently return to LWM whenever my schedule allows a few days of liesure time. Campaigns on triple A titles also indulge me from time to time..

This thread is not nearly enough to summarise the entirety of our live. I only wrote things that were on top of my head at the time of writing this post. I hope to know more about this community and share more along the line..
Forgot to mention the initial details, im from india, 19 years old, 1st year of college right now. And few of you would realize, ive literally grown with this community and this game ;)
Well ive grown playing lords too :)

Im playing since i was 7 i guess
Hey, nice thread Btw, friendly idea.
So: I'm from Spain, I'm 21 years old, and I'm studying Tourism (Hotels, Travel agencies Stuff).
It's a growing industry (Tourism as a whole, I mean) and the career mixes languages, economy, Rights ... So I like it so far.
My hobbies are sport (I'm lazy lately tho, not going as much to the Gym), friends, Poker (Not as good as Grif though, in post 10#), and probably this bloody enticing game :P
aye im from canada, im 19 years old and im a multimedia designer :p
I'm from Australia, currently studying Bachelor of Actuarial Studies :D
It's generally 3am~10am in server time when it's afternoon to evening here, so enrolling in production isn't much of a difficulty, so I'm in a way happy :)
Ray I'm 27. i live in the U.S. i'm married with 2 kids and i work in the military
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