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   Forums-->Problems and errors (general)-->

AuthorGreat Experiment - not able to view battle by copy sometimes
After completing my own fight quickly.
I generally like to see how my copy is doing.
since I already completed my fight quickly so enemy hero remain fighting with my copy many times.

Almost all the times when I go to his character and click "Character is in combat", I am able to view live combat b/w enemy and copy.

But problem is for some people the server throws me out of that combat to home page.
I think it is because the combat is not over, your copy need to finish it before you can see the replay.
I can see it for many, even when combat is not finished while not for others.
This happened last time also.
I have the same problem
By my observation, if you are left side player - you can see opponent's AI battle. Otherwise system doesn't allow.
Yes exactly
Someone move this to general problem section of the forum.
Topic moved from "Queries and help" to "Problems and errors (general)".
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