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Author[Updating] Survival Tournament Complete Guide
Survival Tournament Complete Guide
Author: SwiftGirl

Part 0 General Information

0.1 The Survival Tournament is held every other week.
The Survival Tournament starts at 12:00(not 08:00) p.m. every other Sunday, and ends at 10:00 (not 10:15) p.m. every the other Sunday.

0.2 The Survival Tournament is competed faction-wise.
Participants of Survival Tournaments (henceforth referred to as STs) need to compete with participants from the same faction. Should there be an alternative class, both classes are inclusive.

0.3 The Survival Tournament is a shop-arts-only event.
Participants of STs can equip:
Any artifact in the shop.
Any artifact that has the description "This artifact is equivalent to shop artifacts".
Any empty slot other than the right hand.
Rewards from some text quests. (Recruit's mail and Pendant of buffalo)
Participants may not equip:
Unarmed (even for combat levels 3~4, you'll need a weapon).
Rare artifacts.
Event artifacts.
Artifacts that are below minimum possible AP of that level.

0.4 In STs, some buffs, but not all, apply to participants' parameter stats.
The buffs that do apply:
Potion of skill.
Any temporarily FSP increasing effect.
New Year's gifts received from Dec. 31st to Jan. 3rd.
Female characters' luck boost on Mar. 8th.
Male characters' luck boost on Feb. 20th.
Event tavern recovery drink (waywardness + 10%).
Luck penalty for a flee from battle.
The buffs that do NOT apply:
Tavern drinks' luck boost for GG 12/15.
Pirates' liquors.
Christmas candies.

0.5 The aim of STs are not to win, but to score as much as possible before you are defeated.
ST battles are not winnable. Yet they do not count as defeats and WILL relieve workaholic penalty.

0.6 ST awards are calculated faction-wise.
ST awards include, and limited to: Top awards, incentive awards, HG boost, and a medal in profile.
The registration fee goes 20% to top awards, and 80% to incentive awards.
There is a basic top award pool, but not for incentive awards.
Top awards are divided using the following algorithm.
1) Count all top scorers for 9 factions, each first place is counted by 5, second place by 3 and third place by 2. This usually sums up to 90 if every faction has at least 3 players.
2) Divide top awards by the sum number for each share, decimals retained.
3) Each winner will get his/her shares by 5, 3, and 2 respectively by places. Decimals truncated.
4) Each winner will get his/her HG bonus by 10, 8, and 7 respectively by places, as well as their medals.
Incentive awards are divided using the following algorithm.
1) If a faction has less than 10 players, no incentive awards apply.
2) In other cases, the top 10% scorers are counted by heads.
3) Divide incentive awards by the total number of 10% scorers, and each winner gets the share. Decimals truncated.
4) Each winner, if not a top-award winner, gets 5 HG.
HG boost for each player in one ST is capped at 15. STs of different levels held simultaneously are not considered the same.

0.7 In a ST, five attempts can be made, and only the highest faction-wise score is recorded.
Players can switch their factions between attempts to achieve different faction scores.
nice work!
Nice guide!
All things are covered as well, good job and well explained.
If u can tell the builds for each faction for my level it will be great :D
for Cupcake:
That's just being lazy. If you want to see the builds that the players with your level are winning with, go look at the past results https://www.lordswm.com/tournaments_hist.php?tour=354 - Don't ask someone to do the work for you.
for Cupcake:
That's just being lazy. If you want to see the builds that the players with your level are winning with, go look at the past results https://www.lordswm.com/tournaments_hist.php?tour=354 - Don't ask someone to do the work for you.

OK :|
Part 1 Battle System

1.1 Survival Tournament battles take single-player mechanism.
The player can spend up to 18,000 seconds (5 hours) to take one move or perform tactic phase.
Should one turn be timed out, the following turns is required to take a move within 600 seconds.
Should five turns be timed out, the player is defeated and considered fled, receiving EXP but no FSP, and receives a penalty of luck-2 for an hour.

1.2 ST battles are of 2-vs-1 format.
The red(friendly) side contains the human player and an ally AI hero, which is a lightning tower.
The blue(hostile) side contains waves of creatures with no hero leadership.

1.3 The ST battlefield is laid out in a 12x12 matrix grids.
The human player hero is located at 9:6.
The AI hero is located at 12:12.
The human player can settle his/her troops in the tactic phase within the 4x4 square bound from 5:5 to 8:8.
Spawn points of neutral creatures are: -5:6, 6:-5, 17:6, 6:17.
Entry points into the battlefield of neutral creatures are (by default): 1:6, 12:6, 6:1, 6:12.
All other squares are empty and is not occupied at the beginning of the battle.

1.4 All creatures in ST battles are considered absolutely neutral.
Creatures keep their attack, defense, damage, speed, initiative and all other parameters and abilities as are displayed in the information page.
Creatures gain 1 speed every 10 turns.
Creatures gain 1 initiative every 50 turns.
Creatures received a boosted damage from Wizards and Battlewise wizards’ destructive spells, that are, all chaos spells plus damaging nature spells.
Creatures have 1 morale (unless they aren’t alive) and 0 luck.
Faction resistances does not apply.

1.5 All enchantments on artifacts, the ‘Mana regeneration’ talent and ‘Tactics’ talent are not effective in ST battles.
1.6 The friendly units are well prepared first, and the hostile units enter the field wave by wave.
At the beginning of the battle, all friendly units are granted 0.00-0.10 ATB by random.
The human hero is granted 0.00-0.10 ATB by random.
The AI hero is granted -2.00 ATB, a fixed value.
A wave begins when and only when, all creatures of the previous wave are annihilated. In which case the following events take place by sequence:
1) The AI hero is reset to -2.00 ATB.
2) The timer ticks to a valid position, that is, when one unit is able to take a move.
3) A bonus sphere is spawn on a random unoccupied square of the battlefield.
4) The creatures of the wave spawns at spawn points (which are outta the battlefield).
5) The creatures move into the battlefield onto their entry points. Should an entry point is occupied, they seek the available place closest to their original entry point.
6) The creatures are granted 0.50 ATB.
7) The unit that is able to move now can act.
In conclusion, the ST battles are much like conspirator-type battles in MG, with the exception that:
1) You have an ally.
2) There is an unlimited number of waves.

1.7 The ally hero (Lightning tower) in ST battles plays by a fixed AI pattern.
The lightning tower has 0 attack, 0 defense, 3+CL power and 100 knowledge.
The lightning tower has no commanding troops but is not defeated.
The lightning tower always casts a ‘Chain lightning’ spell that deals (20+20xP) damage in its turn.
The target of the spell is selected based on the following algorithm:
1) The greatest first-target damage to the enemy should be inflicted.
2) When 1) resulted the same, the greatest total damage should be inflicted.
3) When 2) resulted the same, the enemy unit that acts the earliest should be hit.
4) Otherwise, the target is randomly chosen.

1.8 The creatures that are killed by the human player yield score, FSP and EXP.
The creatures have their respective experience as is gained in the HG / MG battles. For instance, a Dark roc grants 24 experience in HG / MG battles.
Each hit of a creature grants 10% as much EXP.
Each hit of a creature grants 5 times as much score.
Each complete kill of a creature stack grants 0.25 FSP. However this value can be deducted if you failed to deal damage that is equal to the stack HP but killed that stack. (This can happen when some creatures are killed by the allied lightning tower or when enemy demiliches / sphynx mummies use Raise Dead to reduce the HP cap).
Raised and re-slain creatures do not count FSP, EXP and score.
The EXP gained in the battle is capped 560xCL, and the FSP gained is capped 0.4xCL. This value is capped before all kinds of extras (EXP pumps, FSP pumps, VIP bonuses, drink bonuses, event bonuses) apply.
1.9 The bonus spheres are unique to ST. They have various effects and can be picked by creatures walking on them. Enemy creatures do not trigger these spheres. All effects are permanent and cannot be dispelled in any way.
HP (Yellow with heart), increase the creature HP by 30%.
Attack (Red with sword), increase the creature attack by 10.
Defense (White with shield), increase the creature defense by 15.
Initiative (Teal with air), increase the creature initiative by 2.
Speed (Gray with shoes), increase the creature speed by 1.
Revive (Blue with angel wings), revives the perished creature stack by 75%. This resurrects 75% of “perished creatures”, not 75% the total number. If less than 2 creatures have perished, the effect is wasted. It works like Dwarves' resurrection runes.
Mana (Violet with scroll), increase the creature mana by 25. If the creature has no mana, increase the hero’s mana by 25. For barbarian heroes (but not tribal heroes), all mana spheres are replaced by attack ones.
Arrows (Brown with arrows), increase the creature shots by 5. If the creature is not ranged, the effect is wasted.
Reinforcement (Green with troops), call a friendly troop to battlefield as a reinforcement. The called friendly stack enters the battlefield just like enemy ones (no stat bonus, 1 morale, 0 luck and with 0.50 initial ATB) and is not controllable.
1.10 It is not always observed that the next wave is always stronger than the previous one.
Although generally, the strength of waves follows a raising curve, resulting in a must-lose battle.
Creatures that are called as reinforcements follow the strength of the spawning wave of that orb. The stronger that wave is, the more creatures are summoned.

1.11 In one wave, the four sides always have the same strength threshold when spawning creatures.
In cases where the two paired sides spawn the same creatures, these creatures are of equal numbers.
In cases where all four sides spawn the same creatures, they are of equal numbers.

1.12 Normal creatures in certain waves of ST can sometimes mutate into monsters.
Monsters have their level, attack, defense, damage and hit points calculated from an intricate formula of the original creature’s parameters.
Monsters are of the same “strength” as in the algorithm, yet they usually appear harder to defeat.
Monsters keep and only keep the abilities of the original creature. There are no extra abilities added, unlike MG and WG quests.
Monsters keep the speed of the original creature, but at a minimum of 5.
Monsters keep the initiative of the original creature, but at a minimum of 8.
Monster shooters’ shots are the same as those of the original creature type.
Monster casters’ spell power is equal to their level + their creature tier. For instance, a level 3 Magi monster has an effective spell power of 3+4=7 (i.e. it casts as powerfully as a stack of 7 Magi).
Part 2 Strategic Recommendations

2.1 To aim at a top rank in a Survival Tournament, it is recommended to choose the best available shop artifacts for the current combat level.
Artifacts that are equivalent to shop artifacts are usually the optimal options, although they are only available via donation and usually at a surcharged price.
Artifacts with higher basic parameters are unconditionally better than the ones with lower parameters.

2.2 For optimal performance, it is recommended to adjust your basic skill parameters.
In STs, attack, defense, spellpower, knowledge, and initiative are not of the same importance. The weight of importance is completely unlike PVP battles or other types of PVE battles, and it also varies between different factions.
Attack usually outweighs defense and initiative as it raises damage output so it allows you to kill the creatures faster. Attack is to be boosted by default.
Defense is usually the least important parameter. By the spirit of survival, letting a creature hit you with their full stack is to be always avoided. Defense is to be boosted if and only if other stats are not available.
Spellpower is important for magic casters. Wizards need to max it out in order to deal massive damage to creatures. Other factions that have a magic-casting ability usually want enough of it for buffing purposes.
Knowledge is another important for magic casters. They need it to cast magic. Before boosting it a lot to give yourself a lot of mana, keep in mind that there can be mana spheres that grant 25 mana during the battle, and all excessive mana upon your death is simply wasted. It is to be set at an optimal point where the last bit of mana is to be used just before the unavoidable defeat.
Initiative is less important than attack (and you can not actually ‘adjust’ it), but it outweighs defense for almost every faction other than wizards. Sometimes, certain minor boosts of initiative may allow an extra consecutive action of your troops between enemy creatures. When choosing between artifacts with 2 extra defense and those with 2% extra initiative (e.g. Dragon’s eye vs Ring of torment), remember that it is usually the case that the one with extra initiative is better.
2.3 It is highly recommended to set up a ST-oriented talent set.
Offensive talents that boosts troop damage, such as Offense and Fortune (and their branching abilities) are usually to be selected at first sequence.
Leadership talents can be thought as it allows your troops to move and act more frequently, and it is with a ‘rally’ ability that boosts your recruit. Forget it if you are a necromancer of course.
Erudition talents can be taken at higher levels for extra parameters and mana.
When choosing among magic talents. Always keep in mind that the nature of ST battles has drawn a completely different picture of more magic schools. Nature magic is the ruler here with the useful “Phantom Force” spell, which doubles your troop damage past combat level 10, at the cost of 18 mana and with no requirement for spellpower. While you always face no more than four creatures from different directions, dark magic is literally useless. Holy magic boosts your troops’ performance, and is fairly useful, but you need to invest both heavily on this magic school talents and on your spellpower and knowledge parameters, which, when invested to offensive talents and attack parameter, usually brings better and more reliable results. Chaos magic is completely out of the question unless you are a wizard, no explanations here.

2.4 Consider it wise when choosing class.
STs are compared within factions, not within classes. Choosing the wrong class when doing STs is nothing but a fatal error. Compare the two (or three) classes carefully by their recruit count, creature abilities, and most importantly, talents and gifted skills.
Knights: Before level 9, classic knights are better with their cheap leadership, better recruit count and damage. But after level 10, holy knights rules with the access to Phantom Force.
Necromancers: Although both classes have access to nature magic schools. The classic necromancer rules with their powerful archers and unretaliating vampire lords.
Wizards: Both classes have access to boosted chaos magic schools. But the classic wizard has nature magic school, and more importantly an artifact forge to boost their troop performance for literally free.
Elves: Charmers are not accessible to nature magic school and they have no critical damage. No thanks.
Barbarians: Forget shadow barbarians first. It was disputable some time ago when the classic barbarians had their “transporting” thunderbirds that could tremendously help in battles. But now that firebirds have this ability too, and goblin archers appear far more versatile than hobs, why not choose fury barbarians when their talents are cheaper and their troop performance slowly picks up over time?
Dark elves: It is pointless to have tamers, with their very few termagants and awkwardly usable lizards.
Demons: Classic demons can play with 1.7x the normal troops by gating. Period.
Dwarves and tribals: You have no alternative for these two ‘weakest’ and ‘strongest’ factions in ST.
nice work!
Thank you SwiftGirl! I may have to start doing ST again.
I am gonna try ST's too :D
Bump it in case it is locked.

There is no currently an ST so I couldn't not update.
2.5 Pick up your recruited troops with best “survivability” for STs.
As a rule, to survival long in tournaments, one should try to avoid being hit by the enemies. In later waves a single hit of a stack can usually kill your stack completely.
Generally, troops with “No retaliation” ability are your best friends. They can hit the enemy and run away, without getting hit by them. They are the only creatures that can counter enemy troops with “Unlimited retaliation” ability.
Shooters are the second-best choice when it comes to not getting hit, while ranged attacks is usually not retaliated. But keep in mind that shooters are not hit, when and only when, they still have shots left with them. Maximizing a shooter with no more than 8 shots and without a “No melee penalty” ability would satisfy you in early waves, but you have to work out your problem they run out of shots and become a handicapped melee fighter. Shooting enemies out of the range or enemies with “Large shield” ability can also be a pain for them.
Melee fighters usually comes the third. Don’t be too worried about these troops about their getting retaliated, because if they manage to kill in 1 hit, or at least reduce the enemies to single digits, retaliation is not a problem. You will need one or two such stacks to deal enough damaging finishing blows.
Do you need cannon fodders? The answer is certainly yes. Hiring a full army of 7 tiers will usually not make enough of it. Leave one or two spaces for cannon fodders so that they take retaliation from tough monsters and let your other troops hurl damage onto them would be the significance of their life.
A last reminder I would give here is not to take more than 2 large creatures. They are too large for this fight. Keeping 3 or more large creatures can usually make it very awkward when it comes to avoiding enemy attacks.
Here are the recruit recommendations faction-wise:
Knights: You sadly have no troop without retaliation. But the throng of wardens and a decent number of exorcists (both with 10 shots) are likely to max out. You will then need crusaders and chargers for tons of melee damage, and thrones with a few brutes to polish your cannon. Forget the awkward and hardly handy griffins.
Necromancers: Vampires comes first, and then skeletal bowmen. Apparitions can serve both as a melee fighter and as a cannon fodder when they can evade by chance. Take as much death envoys and dragons too. Forget liches, their shots are too few.
Wizards: Things came a bit different here. Your main damage dealer, here is the hero with his/her chaos magic. The best part of your troops is to avoid enemies and stay on the field as long as possible. For this purpose, hit points and speed would be the key upon recruiting. It is possible to have all 3 large troops (Genies, sphynxes and titans/giants). While still you need to first recruit as many eggs as possible. Forget golems, though they do have good defense and HP for PVP battles, their speed and initiative are too pathetic.
Elves: Sprites, despite their low damage, are your best and first choice, as you have no second troop with “No retaliation”. Then naturally we have the best shooter in the game, Grandmaster bowmen. Their whooping 16 shots excel everything else. Then you will be needing unicorns for tank fighters. Notice that druids are not as eligible as a shooter for their 7 shots and low recruit count as tier 4. At higher levels you can have trees and dragons. Yes, three large ones, but you actually have no better choice and being an elf, you should need to know how to control that many large stacks for you’ll need to phantom them on the battlefield.
Barbarians: Maximize goblins (the lower tier 1), they gain “No retaliation” at 1000 tribal spirits. And then orc tyrants, they are shooters, and they have double attack without penalty at melee, making them a very versatile stack. The next option you’ll pick will be firebirds, good tank fighters. At higher levels, add behemoths and cyclops to your recruit. Forget boar riders, they do gain “Stun” at 1000 but…how could it compare to “No retaliation”?
Dark elves: Shrews are maxed out of question, so are lizards whose “Lizard bite” suffers no retaliation either. Next you will need minotaurs. Dark witches/sibyls are very awkward shooters yet you have no better choice (you will forget poisoners of course), as you do need a shooter to counter those casters or “Fire shield” creatures. At higher levels, you can have dragons. Don’t take any hydras, they do not retaliate, but they are really too slow. And a third large creature ruins everything.
Demons: Dogs (only no retaliation choice), Succubi (only shooter), Nightmares (only tank fighter), the rest recruit goes to spawns. At higher levels take tier 6, and tier 7. Don’t worry about 3 large stacks as you will literally control 6 of them, knowing the handling is a must.
Dwarves: The only possible “no retaliation” fighters are, of course, you uncontrollable berserkers. Then you will have ursary as a melee tank. For shooters, spearmen and patriarch are equally (not) handy, you can pick either of them. Higher levels make it available for invokers and lava dragons, which are, indeed, a cannon fodder on the scale of such long battles.
Tribals: Goblin trappers for no retaliation (at 1000 spirit), Warlords and enforcers as both tank fighters. And take enough sky shamans to help you, when consumed enough goblins, they are your shooters, better than the large, unnecessarily mobile centaurs. At higher levels you unlock tribal cyclops. I haven’t mentioned, and will not mention those strange green aliens here.
I haven’t mentioned, and will not mention those strange green aliens here.

lol as always wyvern gets a bad reputation :p
I haven’t mentioned, and will not mention those strange green aliens here.

Aliens lmao :D
Stereotyped image of aliens :X
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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