Author | Can anyone explain to me how stats work? |
In this battle, the DE has 30 attack, 60 defense and 3 knowledge.
With minusing of racial 1kn, that's a total of 92 stat points. I calculated his gear and guilds and he only had 72 points. Can someone explain where other 20 come from???? |
wg5 , lg 10 , plus talent , mg 6 |
93 - 72 from guilds + gear = 21
16 from level up (including level 1 kn) + 4 from basic erudition + 1 from UCI = 21
that gives him a total of 93. |
CG 3 and hunter 8 |
Why am I so unlucky in commander battles??? I face a charmer elf, my stats are better, guilds better, but his shooters go first and his first dragon attack (dragon breath on sharpshooter) gets luck while mine doesn't, thus he uses his second shot on my fb WHICH ALSO LUCKS and oneshots them.
Then his unicorn hits mine first AND THAT LUCKS TOO.
WE HAVE SAME AMMOUNT OF LUCK!!!!! Player banned by moderator MrBattleControl until 2018-05-02 20:29:49 // F.R #4.2.1// Abuse of capitalization, redundant letters, words or symbols in headers and messages are forbidden. |
thats just how 10% games work and you cant do anything about it in 1v1. |
10? Lmao good joke. More like 90 |
There is a 10% swing at the start of combats to which troops go first. It can make or break a game that involves charmers. |
Not everyone has a sun account... |
Just look at my win streak. I love commanders guild. Getting 3 days of bonuses rewards is so fun and simple :) |
Lol just yesterday you were declaring you wouldn't do CG until they nerfed dwarves. |
I think you are not made for PVP . |
You only recently levelled to FL16, those close to levelling to FL17 have about 50% more experience than you and by consequence more FSP etc.
You will notice a difference when you get FL12.
Antifaction will help a lot and easy to underestimate. Faction level 7 for all gives you 21% less damage from all sources. If you put that in relation to talents, then it is better than having advanced defence. That in itself gives a huge advantage - you would hardly think it fair to fight someone with 15-20 more talent points, yet antifaction can do that.
If you want to go first then it is also not all about your character stats, but also arts. You say your guilds were better, but he had more ini than you did - it would have been unfair if he hadn;t gone first. Sometimes I have seen people use technically inferior arts like helmet of grace for the ini bonus to give them a better chance at going first. For a pure attack setup like charmer elf then this may be something to consider. |
Faction level 7 for all gives you 21% less damage from all sources. If you put that in relation to talents, then it is better than having advanced defence. That in itself gives a huge advantage - you would hardly think it fair to fight someone with 15-20 more talent points, yet antifaction can do that.
But there is hardly ever a case at level 16-17 when players ever have less than 4-5 fsl resistance against enemies. If the other guy had 7 then they probably just reduce 6-9% more which may seem like a considerable amount to some people, but in reality its almost same as 1-2 parameters at best.
I think WG, MG, AG and TG are more crucial at these levels. At my level, i am constantly up against wg5, mg8-9 and tg8 guys. All these stat differences add up to a lot more than 2 or 3 faction levels. |
There were some words after last MT that made a lot of sense to me about dueling with CE. It seems relevant here so I'll just copy it for your reference :)
In duels I think dwarves are not so OP. I played with them 4 times and they had no chance vs me (charmer) in any battle. I found out that offense+tactic talents are much useful than morale+swiftness. Firstly you spend just 18 points for reaching your opponent (instead of 32), and secondly and you make much better dmg in 1st turn. Morale is not much useful, charmers are very fragile so they are dead until they get the 2nd turn even with morale.
The second discovery is using dryads instead of forest brethren. They can attack multiple enemies WITHOUT retaliation. That's the main advantage. If your forest brethren standing in opposite of bears or any other large HP opponent, you make some dmg but the retal makes much bigger dmg than yours. With dryads it does not matter who is standing in opposite. The damage is compairable (64 brethren dmg 6 vs 112 dryads dmg 3.5) but if you have luck and dryads standing vs 2 big stacks, the total dmg is 2 times better, and if you get luck, the difference is even better.
I used expert offense+tactics+battle fury and +2 luck, without druids (are useless), instead of them are better 3 stacks of sharpshooters (better chance for knocking shot + hard to block/confuse/delay them all). Soldiers boots are useful as well (+3% INI!).
This setup worked in most battles (dwarves, knight, other charmers, DD, all chaos casters). I had problem with defensive builds, lost with shadow barb and TDE. One unlucky loss with other charmer while I got bad luck in ini bar - my all 3 stacks of sharps with 15.2 ini played after 2 opponent stacks with ini 15.0. |
for IComeInPeace:Good advice
for virtual_vitrea:
But there is hardly ever a case at level 16-17 when players ever have less than 4-5 fsl resistance against enemies.
I agree, however it is the case if you are the person who started the post, which is why I said it.
Though equally not relevant for the battle in question since both were elves. |
I meant post 5 battle - I am not quite so dumb as to think Dark elves count as the same faction as elves(though almost)! |
I meant post 5 battle - I am not quite so dumb as to think Dark elves count as the same faction as elves(though almost)!
she had 24% resistance to DE and elf vs elf in the other game so not a relevant argument either way. |
I must confess watching Aurelija getting creamed in pvp is pretty entertaining in and of itself. |
btw just so that i won't be stealing credit by accident, i should say that the text i copied to #15 was by Pastak, personally I don't know much about charmer in CG :) |