Author | Activated special abilities |
The Help section describes many activated special abilities for "creatures of playable factions". But for neutral creatures, the abilities are a bit less clear. I had assumed that unless it says "once per combat", the ability can be re-used. But that turns out not to be the case. Fatso's Slam ability can be used only once, even though nothing in its description suggests it. This makes me wonder about other abilities. Is the pirate fighter's Leap ability a one-shot thing as well? Is it documented somewhere which activated abilities can be used at will, and which can be only once? |
Is the pirate fighter's Leap ability a one-shot thing as well? Is it documented somewhere which activated abilities can be used at will, and which can be only once?
Leap is not a unique ability to fighter, as a result it is documented in the area you mentioned.
And it can be used multiple times. |
Fatso's slam and mighty slam isn't just once per battle but once every couple of turns, unless they changed it. Same for alt dwarf spears, it's once every 3 turns IIRC. |
^ What? Never heard of this, a thing like "Once every 3 turns".
Always though Once per combat, or every turn.
1# Again, I always say it: The About the game section is very lacking in Info.
Most of the stuff we know is because we read Forum, or heard from a friend. |
Start slamming faces around and you'll see for yourself. AI itself will do it a handful times in WG battle, at 1st hit and then only a couple turns later. |
Slust, thanks for the info. I will test it out.
The Help About section does describe a few abilities that can be triggered once every few turns:
Diving assault:
This creature flies up into the air aiming to attack all enemy creatures standing in one battlefield row of its lord's choice dealing normal physical damage to each on its next turn. Until that, this creature isn't present on the battlefield. This ability can be used once every 3 turns.
Sun steed:
For its current turn, this creature turns into light, becoming able to pass through other creatures and obstacles and makes them insusceptible to any effects decreasing speed. This ability can be used once every 3 turns.
How hard is it for them to be consistent and add "once every 2 turns" to the description of the Slam and Might Slam abilities? <sigh> |
I forgot to mention. I tested it out. Slam is not once every 2 turns. Maybe every 3 turns, but my fatso was too slow for me to find out (never got in a 3rd hit).
Can anyone verify? |
Why the racial ability does not work in all battles?? |
Can anyone verify?
Every 3 managed to check. By turns I mean moves by the unit.
Why the racial ability does not work in all battles??
Please open a new thread with your question, and more contextual information. |
like i played two duels and there it didn't show the effect of racial ability. |
for 1234qwer:
Seems like you haven't built the avenger's guild in castle, or set up your favored enemies. |
closed by Meshy (2018-10-06 09:08:48) |