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AuthorNew Event, Freight Delivery !
for elven_blade:
For your level it could be ruby quarterstaff. Later on you can use charm of captured souls, manuscript of focus, staff of eclipse, firebender stfaff and probably more.
What do you guys think, when is the moment for upgrading cannons?
Ship 4, 5, 6, else?

I learned the hard way: ship 5 is the right time.
A dagger that gives defense. Now i have seen everything! :D

The daggers we got a while back (mithril, phoenix...) give defence. I suppose the logic is you stab the enemy so hard that they can't hit you back as hard :D

In traditional dual-wield sword combat, the offhand dagger is used to parry blows foremost and only for stabbing if there is a counter available.

The anatomy of a dagger includes the crossguard, aka the quillon. Different designs exist. In this fantasy world, the Imperial Dagger is somewhat trident-shaped, tines extending toward the blade. This is the principal defensive attribute, although the blade itself is generally what is used to parry incoming blows, with the quillon being the feature which protects the wielder's hand.

Perhaps in the future we'll get things like swordbreakers, a type of serrated blade that provides even more stopping power from the blade itself as opposed to the quillon.
And of course the unfailing logic that if you hold a better dagger, then every beast under your command, whom does not use your dagger, of course also does more damage and receives less themselves.

Don;t look for logic in a game, you are bound to be disappointed.
Hauls: 42
Freight delivered: 3782.00 t.
Profit: 19,707 g.

At this point, my game depends entirely on weather I face those cthulu monsters, who'll 1 shot everything I have. If they get the sea priestess to stoneskin/rapid them, game over.
A dagger that gives defense. Now i have seen everything!

It seems perfectly logical to me. Surely you can block with a dagger much better than with your bare (left) hand.
Hauls: 42
Freight delivered: 3552.00 t.
Profit: 17,045 g.

So far my best attempt at this event yet IMO
The trick is playing max cargo -5. That way oponent has one less cannons.

And when even that is too hard, what is the next step down? At which point will the opponent get two less cannons?
I think the greatest load while still having 2 less cannons is 5 up from minimum, though I could be wrong on this, it is from memory from last time. Not done any battles this time around yet.
The difference between darkness magic pirate and the rest is significant. I am doing 145t battles as charmer and struggle a lot with darkness magic - I lost twice in a row while all the rest battles are a piece of cake
You could argue that it is very faction dependent. For me, the trouble is with might pirates, who simply pack a stronger punch.
Freight campaign summary
Hauls: 42
Freight delivered: 3518.00 t.
Profit: 22,088 g.

well my profit looks decent :D
for Nowar:
Problem with dark pirate is sea priest can cast holy
The difference between darkness magic pirate and the rest is significant. I am doing 145t battles as charmer and struggle a lot with darkness magic - I lost twice in a row while all the rest battles are a piece of cake

I too play 145 battles atm, I am using full defense (except dagger) classic elf, and boxing unsplit shooters works wonders. Defending with unicorn so they can tank, while shooters and dragon take care of ranged and then focus on melee, then finish cannons (they dont hurt when you are full def).

Darkness doesnt hurt me that much because of unicorn aura ( I make sure unicorns touch both shooters).
I am yet to start with this as have not had the time as work is crazy so figured I could try and benefit from peoples experience.

What seems to be working well, from the options of barb, dark elf, elf or dwarf?

from the options of barb, dark elf, elf or dwarf?

A couple pros are using shadow barb very effectively.
TDE seems to be a fan favourite

Tribal for similar reasons to shadow barb, and Grif goes as HK.
What build on the shadow barb? Presumably defensive with mass disrupt? Will need to optimise the ratios of knowledge and not played shadow barb before. If you happen to have a battle review to look at that would be nice. Thanks :-)
Hauls: 42
Freight delivered: 4350.00 t.
Profit: 22,360 g.

Four losses on day three...
Any suggested strategies for Dwarf / knight? first time doing this event...
Well shadow barbs seem to work quite nice. So far done max load and upgraded as soon as possible up till ship 4 (just bought and have no cannon upgrades). At what point does it get really tricky? Not sure whether to carry on with max load or do 5 tonnes less than max now?
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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