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AuthorBeating Tempestress as a Tribal
Recently I had a CG battle against a Darkness Demon. His Tempestress controlled my troops for the entire match. Can anyone suggest me a potential strategy as to how to beat them? Here's the battle:
There is only one real counter that you have and that is to kill the temptresses before they cast to reduce the time they hold them for. This may affect your choice of army, since you had no ranged troops to be able to do this. As such this meant you were left more vulnerable to this.
When I spectated best tribals, the key is the fear ritual. Wear boots that give hero iniative.
It's hard even when fearing as there are multiple stacks of them and fearing one would make the other take control of one of my troops like Enforcers who would them kill either my shamans or commanders. I guess the best chance I might have is to go against them with centaurs as Lord MilesTeg suggested. Thanks for the input :)
I saw that 1 stack hypnotised your shaman, but other stack had turn after your hero.
Why you didn't scare them? or was their HP more than you could?

And tbh, taking centaurs is not solution.
You *might* win against DDs, but will suffer against rest factions. Centaurs are terrible, atleast at lower levels.
Although if you are interested in 1vs1 tips,

Always keep commanders and enforcers at corners for 2 reasons-
1) They cant reach each other because of hypnosis
2) They cant recieve mass spells both at same time

And once hypnosis is over, DD is pretty useless, especially that type of DD which you just faced in that 2vs2 who had max temptress and less fiends.
But yeah, they can be troublesome at mixed CGs, you got to rely on your partner.
for ProZyk:
Actually I missed the idea on scaring his tempestress as I was preoccupied with how I'd knock that thing down with my only ranged unit(shamans) now under his control. I don't understand how the turn concept works. I've read it in one article stating the more HP you have, the lesser time he'll have control over you. So is it wise to not split shamans as I did?

Then again, I had to get close to him to even have a chance at winning coz he'll be weakening me over time and there isn't much I could do even if I keep my troops apart(with their hypnosis working on the other hand). The worst part is, he can simply draw my troops out in the open which will be suicidal as well...damn these things are a mess to deal with. Was my first time dealing with DDs in lvl 11, now I'm like not prepared for them.

Talking about pushing forward, even though fiends we're low stack, their leap would do significant damage on my troops. That was another factor that limited me.
Actually not splitting isn't bad either, but if you dont split maybe then you can just cast delay/rapid instead of sacrificing gobs.
Because if you split, he'll have your temptress for longer duration and can use its spell more.
have your shaman*

as for fiend, you got to rush to them fast because there's no point in waiting.
Otherwise he can just debuff you and later kill you more easily.
Actually that's nice(not splitting), because he'll have to either take control of it or melee guys and I won't be building up mana for lightning...hence he can only delay me or hasten himself which I can counteract once I regain control. Can anyone share the Tempestress seduction time/HP relation?

My past encounters with Fiends haven't been nice eventhough I was able to draw him out into the open by pawning Enforcers/Commanders...I guess my best bet would be to invest all in defense and push forward(with added ranged support from allies.) Thanks ProZyk for your input :)
Thanks Meshy
Tribal can just tank damage fine with just tribal spirit until seduction is off. Delay and fear is enough to handle one temptress stack, and if your elf was half useful he would have shot the other so that it barely gets a chance to control anything.

As the elf died ASAP you were left 2v1 and did not have the spirit to tank everything. Otherwise it's mostly about keeping warlords alive and killing leapers before they grind you too much.

You will still want to split shamans, but only to delay the demon rather than rapid yourself and give him a chance to have more turns with seduced troops. You also need the small shamans to rapid yourself and rack up spirit faster than it is tanked.
I mean you delay before seduction is done, once you know what you control, you rapid.
Otherwise it's mostly about keeping warlords alive and killing leapers before they grind you too much.

I've always find Enforcers more useful than Commanders.

give him a chance to have more turns with seduced troops

Can you give me some clarity on how "Turns" count when a spell is cast. This was one of the reason I raged my shamans hoping I'll get control once that turn(seduction duration) hits 0. But as in turns out, even though the initial spell was less than 2, he controlled me longer than that. Is *this* turn "relative" to the creature's natural turn in the initiative bar? Or is it like a universal timing? So if I rapid a stack, then will it's 2 turn(say) be over faster or will it take longer as I experienced?

I mean you delay before seduction is done, once you know what you control, you rapid.

Will surely apply your inputs on my next encounter. Was helpful. Thanks :)
universal timing


1 Turn is considered to be the "time" between the two consecutive actions of a creature with initiative 10.
1 Turn is considered to be the "time" between the two consecutive actions of a creature with initiative 10.

Understood it now.

Is there any good in Hero using "Defend" during his turn other than to skip his turn? And also how our hero gets an initiative of 10.7(instead of 10) even though I haven't worn any arts that push hero forward in initiative?

I've always find Enforcers more useful than Commanders.

The good thing with commanders is that they hit twice, hence get twice the spirit, that makes them very hard to kill. Then if you get the magic threshold of 1000 they get 3 strikes and usually means you won no matter how outnumbered you are.

Is there any good in Hero using "Defend" during his turn other than to skip his turn?

No good at all. Waiting can have use, including to check how soon actions will happen with reguard to ATB, otherwise not attacking/casting is a wasted turn.
And also how our hero gets an initiative of 10.7(instead of 10) even though I haven't worn any arts that push hero forward in initiative?

Only artifacts can.

I've always find Enforcers more useful than Commanders.
I can't remember how it was at lower levels, but definitely at my level warlords are more scary. High init, high speed, double hit.. takes few turns to tank up on spirits.
Enforcer ofc is deadly too with unruly and higher damage.

And also how our hero gets an initiative of 10.7(instead of 10) even though I haven't worn any arts that push hero forward in initiative?
Did you wear by any chance MH dexterity? It gives 7% hero init.

Is there any good in Hero using "Defend"
Why defend when you can just hit anyone ;) both are same thing.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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