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AuthorABC anti-theft to work both ways
I want to have the option not to catch a player like I have the option not to be cought.
Rangers guild would be rather different then and would not make sense to me.
Rangers guild does have their own system and type of battle to get points, walking like lobster is an abuse to this system I believe, else thieves who where ambushed from other thieves and won should also get a TG point like rangers do.

Plus I don't think all people don't like to get players, so they will have the option not to and not all people use ABC.
I want to have the option not to catch a player like I have the option not to be cought.

It includes removing the searching time too :p?

+1 :3
as a thief i agree to anti-ranger if possible, but im sure most of rangers wont like this :)
Rangers will still be able to catch you in their own type of battles.

afk players and those who go afk in the middle of the battle when they realize they are going to lose is the worse waste of my time and a big turn off,
I could have played 3-5 TG's at this time or visit the toilet. :P
Isn't ambushing on non popular routes solves this ?
No and I have played everywhere on the map at anytime.
I ask for a permanent solution and not for a possible bypass.
I want to play a fast TG and go to bed and not wait 15 mins for an afk battle to end.
Rangers will still be able to catch you in their own type of battles.
they can catch my mirror, the same as in event. programmers had got this technology,just didnt expand its use yet :)

to exert human nature ideas, of course it should be much better to give us a choice whether catch player or not
A thief who can choose if he don't wanna thieve.

Logical so.
This world is not kind.

Thiefs do not have honor, why try to change it?

Thieves do have a code of honor, your -1 is invalid. :D
Or deduct an entire combat level to those people going AFK as a penalty. Let's see how many will go AFK then.
Just handing out -2 luck etc for an hour or two does not help anything, make it so that the system keeps upping this. 2 hours for first time, 8 hours for the second time etc. And never reset this either, keep upping the penalty time like it is a level. See how many will then go AFK and waste other peoples time.
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