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Author[HWM daily] Interview with clan leaders
.com was is and will keep be a Babel, not much can be done about it,
.ru has more common ground.
The only way i see a dotcom mc hitting top 10 is if a new mc is formed with the best players of all dotcom clans combined. A secondary mc can be formed for other players who aren't in the primary war mc

I'm afraid that's the only solution because neither efl or a&d players will budge from their clan to the others to increase it's position while their original clan will sink down further.
For me is not important what clan will be, can be A&d or EFL, if is decide to be the main com clan..but is frustrated to be in clans that struggle to be in top 30... Even top 20 is not ok...why to not get more
for vrancea:
Your ideas are falling on deaf ears...People have big ego issues in .com... No one is or will ever be ready to compromise.
Up until now, the .com players from the clans interviewed have only totalled 3200 from 50+ scores. Only 59 players have reached it so far
Thanks for sharing the article it made for an interesting read but I will admit it is very depressing.

I was here before the merge and there were maybe 5 strong very active military clans and 10-15 decent ones.

League of shadows, Warrior's guild Wrath, Dark Alliance, Guardian's of Russia, EFL, Elite Warriors, Polish Elite etc.

The non MC warriors guild had like 800 members

There were basically no events then and by objective measures the game was much worse then but the community was fantastic. Everybody knew everybody and there was emotional investment in your clan. None of this switch clan for the event nonsense.

The in game chat was always busy, there were dozens of forum posts a day and regular beef with the mods, inter clan drama etc. It was fun.

Now all the .com clans are dead or nearly dead. We can't muster one strong .com MC between us (even with Russian help) chat is a ghost town, forum activity is declining every day.

I came back to the game after many years away to try and recapture some of that nostalgia but it's not the same.

I really miss what this place used to be.
Great interwies. Good job Bunnie.

I wish all .com players all the best and want to express my admiration for leaders of the clans. Big big job which interfers with real life way too much for my taste. Many do not see and appreciate all the sacrifaces made by them.
Big big job which interfers with real life way too much for my taste. Many do not see and appreciate all the sacrifaces made by them.
Totally agree there.
It requires a lot of irl time to manage a clan. Big or small.
Hats off to all leaders for putting the work in that they do despite being busy.
Any plans to update this after a leader change ?
for merlin36:

Just a reminder, if anyone has any suggestions for article he can write here or PM me :D
Just a reminder, if anyone has any suggestions for article he can write here or PM me :D

Interviews with deputy ;)

Please don't.
2 weeks later and half clans have a new leader haha
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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