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Which location on map is "Forest of Thieves"?
rogues wood

NW of empire capitol
Can anyone help me with collecting some data?
I want to collect info about facilities (id) in a location.

Like this:
These facilities is in Empire Capital.
Facility id is the number after "id=" in the facility url.

So, the list would be like this:
"Empire Capital": [5, 7]

This would help me in creating a small website showing location wise troops available in each facility, so that people can plan their travels better.
for Wonderla:
I think it is different for everyone
Every level have other troops
Yes, the troops are different per level. But facility id remains the same :)
So, once I host the website, people would be able to feed all their known troops in one click there, which will encourage lot more people to share their findings.
Guys the price of upgraded creatures is a lot. Are they even worth it?
Yes, the troops are different per level. But facility id remains the same :)
And then it reset every night (if it is like previous event).

In previous event what worked was one thread per level where people can post the creatures.

Example for level 17:
https://www.lordswm.com/object-info.php?id=106 Golem
My head hurts, why are heroes of the past so much stronger than those of the present?
Anyone tried pit demons? Are AI killing them first?
How many gems does the last upgrade take? Does it take 5 gems?
Yea 5 gems and pit demons are a fantastic idea tbvh, gotta deal with all those nasty max tier stacks now
for Wonderla:
in the russian forum they are doing it, and I translate it with chrome so for so helpful, but no all territories are completed, I can help you with one territory. Link to russian forum https://www.heroeswm.ru/forum_thread.php?id=32&page=0
Anyone try magic builds yet?
use this. once it is completed, they will lock the sheet.
to find the troops u need, change lordswm.com to heroeswm.ru
copy the name and then CTRL F paste
Thanks Ignis.

Damn I lost a fight when it was a draw because of pain mirror :(

My last battle for today - Level 33

Seems going low level is better than losing too many for me.
i am unable to find a spreadsheet that gives todays hunts for CL 16. can anyone help me please ... ?
for elven_blade:
third tab
Anyone using monster that is working well? Can you show some battles?
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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