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Can't seem to win this battle. Huge stack of magi on all 4 corners.
Innate swiftness do not work too. Any way to reduce magic punch damage?
Maybe try a different barb? Goblin archers + Orcs should take two stacks at least.

I forgot if enchants work in Campaign, but if they do maybe try taking enchants
rocs could reach 1 stack on 1st move and 1 stack can be taken down by orc chiefs

PLace rocs on corner tile
for Loafoant:
Different barb = different campaign.
Enchants dont work.

for barbmaster:
Rocs can only reach 1 stack with innate swiftness. Orcs do nowhere near enough to kill off a stack.
Rent arts with sick magic res for 1 battle , and use innate swiftness , 1 is already better than 0
for grif:
Won with tactics and offense page :P, but this was after 3 losses, hence reduced difficulty and boy, was it a tough one.

Also, I don't think magic res work against magic punch.
It's like magi arcanum, the worst imaginable WG quest.

I would say
a. don't take hobgoblins
b. don't line your troops up for the through shot

Rocs should definitely be hitting something on their first turn, or transporting a big stack of ogres to smash it.

I'd probably be using orc to shoot instead of trying to move him
Try to max out your morale parameter

Roc strike on turn 1 followed by morale on raiders and you will clear this quite easily
for Acean:
Yep thats exactly what happened. Took plunderer pendant and some other initiative stuff and went ham with rocs.

closed by kchong (2020-07-24 16:50:40)
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