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Incur bureaucratic penalties on clans proportional to number of district taxed

AuthorIncur bureaucratic penalties on clans proportional to number of district taxed
The higher number of districts an MC taxes, the more bureaucratic penalties should be incurred by the MC (options: lower max % taxed across the board, or a cost in battle glory, etc...). I mean, think about all that paperwork required to fill taxes...

There is a penalty for number of controlled districts - I think it makes sense to have similar for taxed districts.

This would also stop strong MCs from overpowering everything.
reasonable, +
The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy.


Sorry, clan wars is already lame as it is. Nobody is battling anyone for anything.
Facility defense on itself is not profitable and does not offer guild stats at all. Only way for clans to really make money is through taxation.

If you're unhappy about getting taxed, then liberate yourself from the taxes.
Only way for clans to really make money is through taxation.

Not even close to being true, I've been at the heart of MC management.


There wouldn't be much paperwork, you just shout at an MC to pay you, think it more of racketeering than taxation
-1 If you're unhappy about getting taxed, then liberate yourself from the taxes.
for Meshy:
How do u suggest clans make money then?

Facility defense and taxation. What about clans with facilities that dont profit much? You cannot compare facilities at east river and say, harbor city. The income difference from east river and harbor city is HUGE.

In my opinion if a clan really wants to make gold, taxation is the way to go. Look at the top 5 income for MCs, only Ukraine does not have any taxation and their facilities are in East River :)
Short disclaimer: This is about keeping the game balanced.
Similar to the reasons for which: there penalties for number of controlled districts, there is no faction that overpowers all other, there is no set which is best in all combats.

Its all about keeping game balanced.

This is not about how clans make money, one's happiness, my clan, your clan, or another clan that taxes or gets taxed...

Game balance - nothing more.
for Warlock naviron:
That is different. You're comparing fair gaming experience to a privilege.
There are many MCs out there who are willing to take over YOUR facilities and pay tax to other clans. Why should u have the facilities then? Why not another MC?
Sorry, clan wars is already lame as it is. Nobody is battling anyone for anything.

The very reason that this is a good suggestion I think

Clan wars are lame because there are only a handful of clans who can actually compete amongst themselves.

They control all facilities, or else, they tax them and let other smaller clans "keep" them.

There is no need to battle much because the big boys can control everything amongst themselves easily, what they cant directly, they can via tax.

If taxation would become a less potent process, more competition would arise for actual control of better facilities, and more clans would be able to hold (although less productive) facilities.

It wont really alter the economics for the smaller MCs, they'll get worse facilities instead of better ones with tax on them.

The big one's potentially tax a little less and lose some income.

Although yes, you do have a fair point, strong clans can control facilities, and thus feel "why should the others have the facilities, and not someone else, or them"

But it is that exactly which makes clan wars lame, as you said.

No real competition, and no need to compete amongst the competition that already exists.

more of racketeering than taxation

Yes xD
With the introduction of dark/imperial sets which hugely favours large rich clans. Something needs to be done to balance the playing field a bit
Admins wants this . now many will spend money to get better arts and Enchants.

war is good for game :D
for kchong:
Paradox here you are also seeking to keep your benefits.
for merlin36:
It benefits rich individuals. Most of cw players have their own non clan enchanted sets. And 3cg points per win is not bad if you can get 50%winrate(atleast)
well, have 55% of the earnings of a small clan could be excessive
for King_Luigi:
A small clan only needs 45% income of a facility.
There are many small clans who do not even own facilities. Why should a certain small clan who don’t want to pay tax own a facility and not other small clans who are more than willing to pay 55% tax.

for latviesu lords:
Not gonna argue. 100% true. Clans who are taxed want to be taxed less while clans who tax wants to keep their taxes (or tax more)
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