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AuthorUnfair treatment to COM server players
There was appoligie dude i watched it on 2x speed and still saw.
Where was the apology? The only 3 lines he wrote was:
! [OxOtNiK ZoMbI]: what's wrong?
[OxOtNiK ZoMbI]: I didn't know, weed
[OxOtNiK ZoMbI]: I think you missed the move

Unless weed is an apology in russian, then I accept. To me it felt like he was saying I didn't know, im smoking weed and am high or something. That made me even more mad, if you are high (I do get high sometimes too), then you shouldn't be playing PvP.
for kchong:

11~67:[OxOtNiK ZoMbI]: Не знал, сорян

сорян is sorry except it is in 'slang' terms. Your translator might not translate it correctly
Or less slang but more anglicized
This game has nothing to do with your national racially-based corrupt legal system. Don't bring it here, please, especially using hypotheticals...


covering the gold for cost of arts for the teammate affected is again, a rude thing to ask of your teammate, he too, suffered a loss :)

I understand being on a losing streak is tough, I just restarted PvP and lost about 10 games in a row first up I think xD

But at that point you have to just make improvements to my game, there is no need to look at the partner at all for me, this though, is a personal choice maybe so depends...

But as the point has been made Nothing stops you reporting on .RU server...

I hate ANY players who DISCRIMINATE based on nationality.

Again, with due respect, if you have time to hate on people in an online game, you are spending too much time on it, take a breather and you'll feel better about lwm in general :)
сорян is sorry except it is in 'slang' terms. Your translator might not translate it correctly
This is my mistake then. I thought he said weed. I am using google translate and it translates to weed.

Again, with due respect, if you have time to hate on people in an online game, you are spending too much time on it, take a breather and you'll feel better about lwm in general :)
Again, in my previous post I mentioned that I will try to remain calm. Thanks for your input though. Loss streaks get me a bit crazy lol. +1

Use Yandex for russian translation.
for kchong:
Why you try to argue with someone who acctually understands something in russian language :D
let me add my 2 cents. most russians in gaming and such are toxic (sadly including myself) mostly due to them living in a miserable country and having a certain mentality. I am amazed how every time i stumble upon a thread in a comment section where russians insult each other and their relatives in a horrible manner just because somebody made a small mistake or something. This is usually unthinkable while browsing english sites.
closed by kchong (2020-09-09 14:57:14)
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