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AuthorFreight Delivery
does it make any difrence with which faction u play ?

yes, unique faction works
Any link to check the price change on the goods?
for ëó÷åçàðíûé_ìàã:

Bad habit here: never check the announcements carefully. :-P
for XxpopstarjackxX:

Why do you need that? Just check the current price and do your calculation to figure out which one gives you the most profit.
I will write some tips here. Please do not mislead or troll other players dude.
Seems that potion of skill doesnt work
Actually it does work for me

I tested it. Bought potion of skill and stats went up.
Potion of skills confirmed to work. No free potion of skill for event. U need to buy.

How to play?
go harbor city to play event

is easy or not? what best faction?
Charmer elf best faction, u go before enemy units so u kill them before they kill u

Can play min arts?
i using 2 ring of thorns and cheap noob arts and win first 4 battle. I expect first 20 battle to be easy and can do in min art
More tips:
What talent take?
luck luck luck

Later game u cannon rely on luck and that will be most of ur damage against big stacks. So u need luck and archery talent for more damage
Hope we would had purchase event. :( My artefak low durability
Any idea how the load difficulty is calculated? Above what % the battle becomes harder?
Didn't realize you'd also have DU's today! Don't forget to recruit DU troops before playing the event!

Any suggestions on dealing with those nixes and nix warriors? My only two losses were against them. In the above battle, I probably should have used the dragons to take the nix warriors's counter attack instead of going for the shooters. But even with that, it seems very hard for me to win this battle. Their abilities of ignoring attack 40% or 20% make them really hard to get rid of.
for bp99:
Big stacks, or later on enemy cannons are easy to block, while your cannons can kill them. I should focus on killing the nixes first, or any other small stack that can get to your cannons.
for SirM0rphius:

The problem is that nixes are hard to kill quickly. Next time I will definitely focus on them first.
How the hell is this battle even possible?


Maybe I've upgraded my ship too fast without upgrading my cannons first. Feel I'm hitting a wall now. Lost 8 battles in straight like the one above (all appear to be of no chance). Tried TDE and then charmer elf, all the same.

To me, the ghost pirates are easier to handle than the real ones. All the losses are against real pirates. :-(
for bp99:
Same issue. U can take less than max freight for easier battles
Try 120-130 lbs
Extra tips:
- for undead, look for those big stack of pirate corsairs or skeletal pirates and try to angle them so they shoot their own troops

- if u can beat max freight delivery, meaning say max is 150 tonnes and u cant beat 150 tonnes, or u find it difficult, then do 145 tonnes. it is a HUGE difference in difficulty. I tested this myself and found this to be true.

Ship upgrade?
First 12 battles easy.
- After 13 battles onwards I suggest wearing good arts if u want be competitive
- u can choose not to be competitive and just play for profit, pirate/ocean art is garbage and dont sell for much anyway, unless new art has goo`d stats which is not the case so far

Good luck all any question ask me in pm or here
if u can beat max freight delivery, meaning say max is 150 tonnes and u cant beat 150 tonnes, or u find it difficult, then do 145 tonnes. it is a HUGE difference in difficulty. I tested this myself and found this to be true.

Ye,135-140 tonnes makes huge difference in difficult
just would like to know who translated crushed rocks *ùåáåíü as road metal?
Where are you seeing this? I guess it's the mouse over on the event page? I would imagine it should be asphalt but their Google translate gave that instead?
Where are you seeing this?
yes, when mouse over the fifth icon (just next one after sand)
It shall be crushed stones/rocks or angular stones just search for russian word ùåáåíü on Wikipedia and than you can check in English wiki what’s this
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