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Make friends with hunting creatures instead of killing them

AuthorMake friends with hunting creatures instead of killing them
Instead of killing hunt creatures, make friends with them instead.

Up to 3 attempts available daily.

The maximum leadership that can be acquired is 10,000 ; if the leadership exceeds 10,000 ; then u get 10,000 leadership of the hunted creature that u befriended.

The rate of success:
Common - 20%
Uncommon - 10%
Rare - 5%
Legendary - 1%
Mythic - 0.01%
Novel idea but sounds quite unbalanced considering how long it takes to grind through to get creatures in the first place. 5% chance to get a rare creature with 10k leadership means you'd get one on average every week.
Not enough pokemon for you yet?

for Acean:

The rate of success:
Common - 10%
Uncommon - 50%
Rare - 1%
Legendary - 0.1%
Mythic - 0.01%

You are right. Updated the rate of success

Makes sense for me. Nice idea.

It takes lots of time for low and medium levels to collect decent creature's. Where higher levels can get almost all troops in 4 months because of high ap. This will somehow balance that. Because higher levels have already reached that threshold in Hunters guild. 95% players avoid HG at mid and high levels. This will let low level guys, get useful creatures and be significant in LeG events.

The rate of success:
Common - 10%
Uncommon - 50%
Rare - 1%
Legendary - 0.1%
Mythic - 0.01%

You are right. Updated the rate of success

I guess you mean 'Uncommon- 5%'. It's an interesting idea overall.
What's next?
Make love and not war and money? :D

Get gear and play to get LeG troops.

What if you kill them and keep their childs for domestication?
domestication? I mean taming
Make friends with them by forcing them into slavery?
I like the ideea,in the original game there was a small chance you could recruit some creatures encountered on the map,there was even a talent called Diplomacy wich increased the chance of that happening.
We can never have enough pokemon!

Nice idea. Easier access to pokemons for those who lack them, and generally We can never have enough pokemon!.

I agree with #11, it would be a great way to make the game feel a little bit more like the originals.
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