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AuthorRogue Raids!
for bp99:
dealing with the guardian monster at level 40?

at least you have to delay them for 15-30 turns
and a curse would be helpful for second phase "open the tin can"

surely rapids and stone skins on your units is needed.

Unfortunately, the 60000 I talked about is not the power but the silver I would get if I sell all my current troops. Guess I've held the gnolls for too long. I didn't sell them until lv 37 when they stood no chance against all the mages and elements. But their selling price was miserable at that point :(
there is no way to fight large shielded units with outriders
for bp99:
ask for good mercenary

It's hard to fight if I earned 92098 silver but current troops are only worth 71714 :-D
A good mercenary often takes time to find. It's okay for me to stop here before dragging someone down with me.
Lesson learned. Last time I could gnolls all the way to a decent level without checking on the price. Doesn't work this time. :(

Thank you guys for all the help! Enjoy your event!
Any idea hot to pass this level? I've been trying it with different mercenaries , but still far away from wining it:
for SirM0rphius:

Try with this AI or get mercenary
for kchong:
Thanks for the help! Very easy with a human player instead of the AI...
any guesses what kind of artifact reward we are looking at? A piece of adventurer set?
when you go kill 100+ eart ellys with hero...you need a lot of time...
guys stop doing 50% merc battles and ruining the market.

Dont help for 50%, ask for 50% and 3k+ per battle.

I have been paid 5k per battle and even 10k!

In last leader event, someone paid 200k for 1 battle!
for Lord spiral-doom:
adventurer shield

for SirM0rphius:
np bro anytime
I am not sure how the difficulty scale in this event
because this battle is sure is not worth to be 32 not even close
regardless of my strategy in this battle that I've lost
but I have never been angry with AI like this time
the victory was easily within our hand
but AI decided to throw it away by waiting and doing nothing
what was that !!!
Dont help for 50%, ask for 50% and 3k+ per battle.
Lol. If anyone needs assistance feel free to pm me. Our clan has made it through multiple levels past 50 and have many display battles we can share. Don’t fall victim to being extorted by roulette addicts
for FearMyArmy:
I am not sure how the difficulty scale in this event
because this battle is sure is not worth to be 32 not even close

Yes, in this event we had a few levels where the difficulty was high, than it gets back to normal.

for FearMyArmy:
the victory was easily within our hand
but AI decided to throw it away by waiting and doing nothing

Same happened to me. It seems that the AI doesn't know that it can destroy walls or walk thru destroyed ones. So it just waits for the gate to be destroyed/opened.
It's best to get an AI that the enemy will focus on, instead of your troops.

I've also lost many battles because the AI decided to simply move it's troops in range of killer stacks, again and again...
for lord fallen:
There are people who are ready to pay good amount of gold for sometime of mercenary like this guy.


Guess priced mercenaries are high in number then free mercenaries.
Anyone here willing to help me reach level 50? I am stuck at 34 and don't see any chance to pass it without insane luck.
50%+5k for each lvl 50+, best arts
pm me if interested
[Post deleted by moderator Meshy // 2.12.]
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