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Hunting Season


AuthorHunting Season
New event
They didnt gave us free weapons and a present to choose?
Please read the news, all info is in there.
Unfortunately, due to the circumstances, there will be no celebration to mark this anniversary, so as not to distract many of you from more significant matters. Once again we thank all of you who are still with us and, as a small distraction, we invite you to compete in the noble art of hunting.
The peace dove is a nice touch, love and thoughts to players in Ukraine and Russia
The peace dove is a nice touch, love and thoughts to players in Ukraine and Russia
The peace dove is a nice touch, love and thoughts to players in Ukraine and Russia
Is it just me, or the game is running very very slow?
It's almost impossible to do a fight for me...
for SirM0rphius:
I'm seeing a bit of slowness too
same here for me, yesterday all went well, 2 days ago+today it's really bad, battlescreens may take up to 3 mins to load
I have issues since the end of last week. Occasionally, it works fine for a while, but mostly the connection is to poor to play.
for jahadad:
2 days ago+today it's really bad, battlescreens may take up to 3 mins to load

Same over here. SO it's clearly from them.
This may take a while from now on, so I'll focus on trying to enroll and do 1 battle every 10 enrolls. I hope they won't start any more tournaments until this is fixed...
We all have problems with accessing the game. Maybe it's a consequence of war? Sanctions and stuff, limiting access to russian servers etc.
Working absolutely fine here
Slow today here too. It was fine yesterday when I had no problem completing the 1st day battles for the hunt season.
Just to inform you. Diamond price has gone down considarably. Currently 0,35ˆ per diamond (from 0,52). Rouble seriously devalued. And it will be even cheaper i think.
Be sure to check the extra goodies! Thanks admin!
Are the goodies good enough for the enchanted options in the hunting event?
The buns are a great idea because you can use them any time until April 1st to get the bonuses. I like how it is very flexible unlike previous anniversary bonuses. Made me chuckle though that they call it a bun.

What if I need butter and jam to eat the bun? :D
Just googled buns. This looks like British buns. :-D
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