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AuthorDungeon Caves
Total army strength: 21,666
Victories / Combats: 9 / 9

Silver available: 0

9 victories and 0 silver, why?
Is it a bug?
for Fury_Barb:
You collect silver by disbanding troops.
You can only collect a stack of each troop up to 4 times. If you collect 4 stacks of imps they won’t show up anymore.
Wondering what dungeon set we gonna get this time :)
for slayerofall:

Thanks for the great advice! I was thinking about t3 swordsmen for their reduction from shooting damages but their upgrades might be costly.
Dispatching the old troops is a hard choice. Everyone seems to be indispensable but have to remove someone to leave space for newcomers. :-(
Total army strength: 241,148
Victories / Combats: 72 / 88

Silver available: 6,916

HG points: 0
MG points: 0
elements: 2
armaments: 24
battle potions: 0
parts of Magma shield: 20
parts of Heaven ring: 20
Someone please share their recent army. Not sure what army to choose with new rule of max 4 times of particular troop recruitment.
I still have mino's, griffins, lizards, commanders, senior genies and chargers.

Just chose those units you like. Aim for getting 250.000 poonts and from there on, chill mode (1HG each win).

started off with scorpion fairies imps upgrading imps+faires+70 scorpions by end of day 1,
day 2 went grotesques upgrading asap, forest keepers, wolf riders
day 3 i went 1 stack of orcs upgraded to prc shamans+minos and wolfhounds
day 4 i went with griffons magi and lizards upgrading lizards

as you replace units in your army you sell previous units to upgrade high value units like gargs>grotesques imps>spawns, minos>mino soldiers, wolf riders into raiders
day 5 i went commanders genies and birds upgrading commanders and eventually birds
day 6 i went with paladins+wyverns+shadow mistresses.

i basically abused double triple hit units with lizards assault to massacre enemies. Used scorpions/spawns/griffons to bait fast enemies into me so i could kill them fast before their slow meat could move towards me. its important your bait unit has high innit so ai goes crazy for them. like when i had 3 stacks of 25 poison scorps ai would prioritize attacking them with 300 cerb instead of my 300 grotesques or fk that were in hit range.
Slayerofall: really helpful advice. Would you recommend brawlers over lizards?
not in any world would i personally recomend brawlers over liz. 2-6 damage range, 5 speed expensive upgrades. On the positive side they have a lot of total hp immune to mind effects, non large t4 unit(can only have 4 large and most later units are large creature). i personally went lizards and love them with assault for just sheer pumping dps. makes melting those 20000 farmer stacks or 9k zombies much easier
Im abbysing wild griffins with sun princess and chastise
I wonder, does the ArchDevils summon Pit demons ability work? And if it does, does that dead stack perishes completely or I can resurrect it alter on?

Like for example, can I use wild griffins for bait and when they die I summon pit lords and after that I resurrect the griffins?
i doubt it. i believe it consumes the corpse. if dark demons use consume corpse skill the body disapears. same for summon pit and res needs a body. would have to test it to be 100% sure but im like 90% sure this is the case
for slayerofall:
if dark demons use consume corpse skill the body disapears.

This is what I think as well.
The summond pit lords get the bonus attack/defense from the hero, or they have just their basic attack/defense?
they have the stats from hero as well
for slayerofall:
they have the stats from hero as well
Nice, thanks mate!
Too bad I was in a hurry to test it myself and I upgraded 9 of them to Antichrists...
Anyone ever gets 3 groups of lv7 creatures in their final army on the field? With all of them large creatures, it seems hard to make that happen. I'm only using one of them. The rest are simply show watchers. Good news is that they also count toward your final army strength.
for bp99:
I think it's better to get small creatures at lvl 7, so you have room for the large top tier ones.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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