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ChatGPT is blowing my mind


AuthorChatGPT is blowing my mind
When I think about AI, the first limitation that comes to mind is its ability, or lack thereof, to make decisions that have consequences beyond the trivial things of daily life. It goes without saying that AI is always majorly dependent on a finite set of data that was available to its developer at some point. To be able to make a decision necessitates the ability to gather additional data for any sort of "learning" and execute the correct solution, things like these also needs to be coded into the machine. Even if the AI is able to gather data, which I know it can, yet there is too much nuance that has to be accounted for in all of the examples I mentioned. The problem isn't that AI can or cannot do a certain task better than humans, it most definitely can do any singular task better in my opinion. Just like it is highly plausible to find an expert on the subject who is still lacking in proficiency compared to someone else who was entirely built for that one purpose. But when you add all the variables or rather moving parts of the real world, that's where it starts to show its unreliable nature. It CANNOT get the big picture like the expert human being can. It cannot connect the dots between the emotional needs and analytical needs of other humans.
I disagree. I can definitely see a future where an AI understands the big picture better than a human can. You underestimate the power of technology. That you don't think it can happen does not mean it can't.

I didn't think it would be possible for a chat bot to sound human - then chatGPT was introduced. The same may be true for other tasks. Humans are not as special as you make them out to be.
well, it's easy to think that way for me too. But I still disagree. Only time will tell.
AI is learning, humans are slacking sed reality, all these tools make majority population more slacky and using their mind less, can see humans evolving as less smart species in the future idk why, even though have read some theory that in future evolutions the brain will be more bigger and sharper, but can’t see it go that way with the current condition
It is just Jarvis, an AI assistance. Its possibilities are endless but depends of the person who use it. I use it to produce songs, not as good as humans songs, but you can modify the output of Chatgpt and add an human touch
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