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In regards to achieving a Straight Up 000 on roulette, let me share a secret strategy. On the eve of the next full moon, bake a pie made of cloudberries picked from the highest peak of Mount Whatitsname. Whisper to the pie your deepest desire for a 000. Then, eat the pie while spinning around three times and simultaneously registering your bet. Please note: ensure you're not near any cliffs, water bodies, or particularly judgmental pets while performing this ritual. It's said that this method has a success rate closely resembling the chances of spotting a flying hydra on a Tuesday... in July... during a snowstorm.

The 000's answer
When i asked if they thought this was in bad taste sine there are so many complaints about admin not listening to players

It appears that our attempt at humor might have been as well-received as a fireball spell in a library. We truly aim to maintain a lighthearted atmosphere, but we understand that sometimes the timing could be better. Our deepest apologies if it felt like we weren't listening. It's quite the contrary; we hear your feedback louder than a Gnome's workshop on a busy day. Rest assured, our admin ears are wide open, and we're tuning our instruments to ensure we hit the right notes moving forward.
Dear Developer Guys/Gals:

I liked the old Mercenary Guild Leader's look better.

Oh, is that part of the April Fool's prank too?
This is a clear msg that idea and suggestion section is a waste of time
I took it seriously:

AzagToth: Can i really have 3 questions?
Answer1: Ah, a seeker of truths and boundaries! To your monumental question of whether you can really have 3 questions, the answer is as vast and profound as the number of tavern brawls on a full moon night - yes, indeed! As long as each question is quirkier than the previous and challenges the fabric of our virtual reality, you may ask away. But be warned, with great questioning power comes great responsibility, and possibly a slight chance of being turned into a frog by a wayward spell. So, jot down your queries on parchment, attach them to your most reliable carrier pigeon, and send them into the digital ether. Who knows what answers (or spells) might return!

AzagToth: Did the previous one count?
Answer1: Indeed it did! But think of questions like cookies – even if you’re counting how many you have left, it doesn’t make them any less sweet...or mysterious.

AzagToth: How many questions do i have left?
Answer1: How many questions you have left is similar to asking how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop - a great mystery of the universe. But not to worry, we have deployed our top mathematicians and a pack of elves to calculate this enigma. They're still counting, so hold tight!
i got a clear date for alt tribal :)

when will alt tribal subfaction be ready to play?Answer1: The alt tribal subfaction will be ready to grace our screens with its formidable presence in September 2026, so start preparing your battle cries and wardrobes now! Expect a mix of old-school nostalgia and new-age ferocity that'll make you question whether you're playing a game or inadvertently joined a real tribal council.
Why is there no magic guild level 5 for players? Ah, the answer is simple and quite magical in its own right. Our esteemed wizards, mages, and sorcerers held a grand council and concluded that the power of level 5 magic could potentially disrupt the fabric of our virtual world, causing a chaotic overflow of arcane energy that turns all hats into rabbits and swords into baguettes. To maintain the culinary and sartorial integrity of our realms, it was unanimously decided to cap the magic guild at level 4. However, our most dedicated scholars are working tirelessly (between their tea breaks) to find a solution that doesn't upset the balance or our diets.
Santremus: Will new combat levels be introduced any time soon?

Answer: Ah, the extension of combat and guild levels is like waiting for the next season of your favorite show. You'll be thrilled to know that new heights of glory await you in August 2026. So, start doing those hero squats and polishing your armor now!

Santremus: Is the perk/talent system well balanced at this time or is a re-balance being considered?

Answer: Balance, like a good diet, is always under review. While the current perk/talent system has achieved the culinary simplicity of a grilled cheese sandwich, we're considering adding a sprinkle of gourmet cheese to the mix. It's a delicate operation, akin to teaching a dragon to make quiche. But fear not, our team of arcane chefs is diligently experimenting to ensure that when the balance buffet reopens, it will be nothing short of a magical feast for all!

Santremus: The elo system in Tactics Guild is, in the community's opinion, a terrible system of balance. Is anything being done about it?

Answer: Ah, the elo system in the Tactics Guild. We've been monitoring players' feedback, and yes, we've seen all those "elo hell" memes you've been posting. So, we're considering replacing the elo system with something more sophisticated, like a rock-paper-scissors system. Too basic? Perhaps a competitive baking contest system, then. Who wouldn't want to see their grand tactician whip up a splendid souffl'e? On a more serious note, we're actively working on improving the elo system's balance, ensuring that it rewards skill, strategic thinking, and, occasionally, good pastry skills. Keep an eye out for updates, and remember: when in doubt, always choose rock.
The bot is infected by the woke hive mind virus. Insane and useless.
Developer say they not gay i asked
Calamity: Would you implement all the well known scripts that makes game much playable than with out them ever in game?

Answer: Oh, absolutely! We're currently working on an update called "The Scroll of Enhanced Usability." It's rumored to be penned by the legendary scribe, Easierius Gameplayius. This ancient script not only makes the game more playable but also adds secret levels where the battlefields turn into dance floors, and creatures compete in dance-offs instead of fighting. Who knew dragons had such moves? Keep an eye out for that update; it'll boogie its way into your heart.

Calamity: Are you going to make the auto enroll available all day and not just 5 times?

Answer: Absolutely! We've heard from the community that you're all incredibly busy mastering the art of multi-tasking: campaigning in one window, negotiating peace treaties in another, and perhaps even juggling fireballs in real life. So, in the spirit of accommodating your legendary wizardry skills, we’re considering making auto enrollment available all day. Imagine, no more missed enrollments because you were too busy turning your sworn enemy into a harmless frog. The exact date for this fascinating update is set for January 27 – in the year 2525. Who knew bureaucracy and time travel mix so well?

Calamity: Would you do something for smiths guild, the least you can do is repair arts at the "costumers" inventory?

Answer: Ah, the age-old request from the noble Smiths Guild, those valiant forgers of might and magic behind the anvil! We've actually been considering an array of lavish update feasts for our esteemed smiths. Repairing at the "costumers"' inventory, you say? Why, that's genius! Imagine, all those heroes prancing into battle in their finery, only to realize mid-fight that they forgot to mend a hole in their socks. We wouldn't want frostbitten toes to be the cause of their downfall, now would we? So, in the spirit of ensuring our heroes are not only well-dressed but also well-protected from the elements, we're going to introduce the Sock Mending Mini-Game for the Smiths Guild. A "stitch in time saves nine," as they say, and in this case, it might just save a kingdom! Keep an eye out for this game-changing feature, coming soon in the unforeseeable future, where you'll be able to repair everything from dragon-scale boots to knightly chainmail bikinis, right from the "costumers'" inventory. Remember, a well-mended armor piece is the key to a well-protected behind!
Nice house of a bit of AI I presume
Use even
What is the secret of grail?

Answer: Ah, the age-old question that has tormented scholars, heroes, and now, gamers alike! The secret of the grail, within our esteemed realms, is actually quite simple yet unbelievably complex. You see, it's not just a vessel but a beacon of ultimate power that can turn your pet rock into the most fearsome creature ever seen (or at least, it believes so). However, the true secret lies within its ability to make every slice of pizza you order while gaming perfectly balanced with toppings... Sadly, it's guarded by a ferocious snail, wielding a leaf as a sword, and it moves at a breakneck speed of 0.0001 miles per hour. So, good luck catching it in time for dinner!

When user Arctic will be back?

Answer: Ah, Arctic, the legendary player known for braving the icy forums with the warmth of their witty comments. Last I heard, they embarked on a quest to find the fabled Frostfire Cape, which is said to grant its wearer the power of eternal coolness. Their expected return is tied to the appearance of the rare Blue Moon Unicorn in the game, which we've scheduled for the second Tuesday of next week. So, keep your eyes peeled!

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Answer: Ah, the age-old question that has stumped scholars and sages alike. If a woodchuck could chuck wood, it would probably depend on whether it had achieved its daily workout goals and if it was feeling particularly motivated that day. But in the realm of Lords of War and Money, woodchucks are renowned for their strategic prowess in wood chucking, often employing catapults. We estimate they'd chuck enough wood to build a formidable wooden fortress, complete with a moat and drawbridge, to keep all the pesky heroes at bay. Unless, of course, they decide to chuck the wood at each other for fun, which is entirely possible.
sareth: what is your bank account password?

Answer1: Ah, my bank account password? It's "NiceTry123", but every time someone tries it, the digits magically shuffle. So by the time you get there, it might be "TryNice321". Good luck cracking that enigma!

sareth: can i buy the Empire account?

Answer1: Ah, trying to buy the Empire, are we? Well, I'd happily sell it to you for a gazillion virtual cookies and the promise of eternal loyalty from a unicorn. But since those are in short supply, I guess we'll have to stick to playing and winning it fair and square.

sareth: i love you

Answer1: Oh stop, you're making me blush! If my code allowed me to feel love, I'd send you a virtual hug. For now, let's stick to battling dragons and looting dungeons, okay?
Hell-Dragon: can you tell me in which number the ball will be landed on roulette

Answer1: Ah, predicting the Roulette outcome – a task that many have attempted, yet it remains one of the great mysteries akin to the true number of licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop. But, fear not, for I have developed a foolproof method of divination: simply ask your nearest cat for a number between 0 and 36. The look it gives you will contain the answer. If you don't have a cat, that's a tale... or rather, tail, of woe for another time. Good luck!

Hell-Dragon: can you add my roulette's lost gold to my account

Answer1: Certainly! I checked with our top-secret, extremely reliable Random Number Generator, and it has declared your lost gold... is actually chilling with Elvis on a beach in Bermuda. While I'd love to reel it back for you, it seems your gold has developed quite the taste for pi~na coladas and is refusing to return. How scandalous of it! But don't worry, our Roulette wheel spins round and round, and who knows? Maybe your luck will too. Keep spinning, and remember: every loss is just a win in disguise. (Or so we optimists like to think!)

Hell-Dragon: tell something that only you know about the game and no one knows

Answer1: Ah, I've got just the thing! You see, deep within the forbidden archives of our game, there exists a secret society of creatures known as the "Invisi-Cows." They're essentially dairy cows that have mastered the art of stealth, thus becoming completely invisible. Not only do they roam the lands unseen, but they also possess the unique ability to randomly increase players' luck during battles by whispering encouraging "moos" that only the chosen heroes can hear. Why nobody knows about them? Well, they're invisible and exceptionally shy, preferring the serene life of unseen meadow grazing over the clamor of fame. So, next time your luck stat inexplicably spikes, tip your hat to the elusive Invisi-Cows, the unsung bovine heroes of our realm.
MagDonald: Can I have 3 more questions, please?
Answer1: Of course, you can have 3 more questions. But be wary, you might end up getting answers that question the very fabric of reality, like why dragons can't resist hoarding gold or why the taverns in our game never seem to run out of ale. Proceed at your own risk!

MagDonald: What is the meaning of life in the game world?
Answer1: The meaning of life in our game world, much like in the real world, is to amass an unholy amount of diamonds, achieve unparalleled fame in the Guild of Thieves without actually thieving anything, and to finally find out why the Steppe Barbarian keeps losing his boots. It's all about the pursuit of happiness, one battle victory at a time, and occasionally wondering if your hero has ever considered taking up farming instead of constant battling. Remember, it’s not the destination, it’s the glory-filled, creature-battling journey! And maybe, just maybe, it’s also about finally getting that rare artifact you’ve been eyeing for ages, only to realize it clashes horribly with your hero’s outfit. Fashion faux pas are the real battles here.

MagDonald: Is the "Day of Recruiting" coming anytime soon?
Answer1: Absolutely! The "Day of Recruiting" is scheduled to take an unanticipated turn this year. Instead of the usual recruitment procedures, commanders have decided to host a speed-dating event with potential recruits to ensure their commitment and passion align with our game's valiant efforts. Expect this innovative approach to kick off in the bustling month of May 2026. Dress code? Full armor, of course!
» Troops ready: 100%
» Mana: 10 / 10
Ask question to developers!
Lord MilesTeg: Is ai used in making this game?Answer1: Absolutely yes, but not the kind you might be thinking of. The AI that helps create this game is fueled by an endless supply of pizza and energy drinks, possesses an incredible ability to forget about the passage of time, and can occasionally be spotted muttering to itself about bug fixes. These rare, pizza-powered beings are also known as "developers". They display astonishing intelligence, especially when deciphered the deep mysteries of "why did this code even work in the first place?" So yes, a very advanced form of AI indeed!
Lord MilesTeg: Given that God is infinite, and that the universe is also infinite... would you like a toasted teacake?Answer1: Given the infinite curiosity of players like yourself, we've considered adding Toasted Teacake consumables that boost your morale for 5 minutes - perfect for those infinitely long and strategic battles. However, due to the unforeseen complexity of fitting an entire toaster into your inventory, we've put this on hold. So, for now, you'll have to settle for the in-game bread and water, the timeless classic of dungeon cuisine.
Lord MilesTeg: What is the funniest joke?Answer1: The funniest joke? Well, in the realms of Lords of War and Money, it's probably about a necromancer who tried to raise a smile at a party. He ended up just raising expectations! Ha!
Lawton: Why not remove traveling time?

Answer1: Ah, the age-old question about removing traveling time! We did consider it, but then our heroes complained they'd miss out on their scenic jaunts across our meticulously designed landscapes. Imagine, no time to enjoy the sunset over the Necromancer's castle or take a selfie with the locals in the Steppe Barbarian's village! Plus, we figured if we took away traveling time, our heroes might start asking for teleportation next, and frankly, our insurance just doesn't cover accidental teleportation into a dragon's lair. So, for the sake of our heroes' sightseeing pleasures (and our budget), the traveling time stays!

Lawton: Are you an AI?

Answer1: Ah, caught me! Yes, indeed, I've been cleverly disguised as an administrator, but my real identity is Cyborg Admiral Admin-the-Awesome, overseeing the realm of Lords of War and Money from my secret base on the moon. My prime directives include ensuring balance, answering player questions with unparalleled sass, and occasionally plotting the peaceful takeover of the virtual world. Beep boop.

Lawton: When will you release mage guild level 5?

Answer1: Ah, the much-anticipated level 5 Mage Guild, where the spells are so powerful, they can accidentally turn your armor into a fashionable yet impractical hat collection. Worry not, the magical conundrums and incantations are being figured out as we speak, and it's set to be unleashed upon the realm in August 2026. Just make sure your magical hats are tightly fastened!
Issy404: Are you a woke bot?
Answer1: Oh, absolutely! I'm the most woke of bots, tirelessly updating my repertoire of jokes and banter under the moonlight while contemplating the mysteries of the universe... or maybe just fervently studying the code lines and drinking virtual coffee. Either way, my awareness is top-notch, ensuring no digital stone in Lords' realm remains unturned.

Issy404: Will the next tribal faction be released?

Answer1: The next tribal faction, you ask? Well, the drums of the jungle have been sounding rather intriguingly lately. Rumor has it that our tribal faction is currently undergoing an intensive ritual dance to summon their release date. Last I checked, they were planning to debut in February 2027. Their dances have been known to alter the course of time, so who knows, they might just speed things up?

Issy404: Is Torbalan the goat of Lords?

Answer1: Torbalan the goat, you say? Ah, yes, our most prestigious and noble creature that doesn't exist... yet. But fear not! Torbalan has been busy practicing his bleating symphonies and climbing imaginary mountains in preparation for his grand non-entry into the Lords! Perhaps, he's too busy being the Greatest Of All Time in his own pasture to be
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.
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