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Problems and errors (general)


Topic Date
Author Last message
battle over10.24, 12:014Lord VaN_MC10.24, 20:12, by SuperSheep
Battle hang up10.20, 15:213Phil_Odaerin10.22, 18:53, by Lord Amroth
Battle page messed up10.20, 07:398Zyanya10.22, 08:14, by Zyanya
Error10.20, 20:183Lord Pikuolis10.21, 14:38, by Lord Pikuolis
Hi10.19, 19:082john1610.20, 15:10, by john16
My friend datis_of_noob10.20, 11:542NooB_DoG10.20, 14:25, by Lord veteran
Help me please!!10.20, 13:591Lord Monte_Cristo10.20, 13:59, by Lord Monte_Cristo
Problems10.19, 19:474Lord Monte_Cristo10.20, 13:39, by Lord Monte_Cristo
Admins help10.19, 19:056Lord ShadovElf10.19, 19:32, by Lord ShadovElf
Dark elves magic piercing-not working10.17, 22:063Lord Ortan10.18, 09:00, by Suzakuryuu
why i don't have bloody battle?10.17, 11:394hr_faris10.17, 15:05, by kau
99 hp10.14, 14:314MalaysiaBoleh10.17, 03:05, by sg_dark
Economics worse than the real world...10.14, 22:336SanderP10.17, 02:25, by Lord Doomer
bug in battle10.16, 08:543ploxerdon10.16, 09:20, by ploxerdon
Dont gain anything hunting...10.13, 12:333#7153Lord fromklin10.13, 16:26, by Erlemar
inventory10.13, 07:552Lady misself10.13, 08:01, by #4201aRU
Free Tavern drink BUG10.03, 18:1014Lord Maric10.12, 11:40, by blackmagction
bug?10.10, 11:094Raer10.10, 11:20, by Erlemar
Hunter set error10.08, 22:083Khanta10.08, 22:48, by Khanta
to much skeletons10.01, 14:212#4201Lord Ranor10.08, 03:52, by Bladeguy
why?10.07, 00:485Lord alex11200310.07, 12:44, by #7181h4nd
battle problems10.05, 18:415Lord LordDarveter10.06, 12:23, by Lady misself
Favored enemy bug10.05, 18:082Solomero10.05, 19:05, by #7181Lord Jabbar
my hunting records are not on the top hunter's list10.05, 08:407Lady mara10.05, 14:02, by Lady mara
help admin help10.01, 23:093evil_mimi10.02, 02:28, by Lord dynastyera
Clan09.30, 23:274Pois0n10.01, 06:09, by Erlemar
Big time error09.30, 17:441Lord barnabas09.30, 17:44, by Lord barnabas
Cannot make a donation with Paypal09.23, 02:414Lord Doomer09.29, 06:16, by Alexander (adm)
Unable to return an item09.28, 03:284XxFaithxX09.28, 14:16, by Erlemar
Mercenaries' guild quest09.26, 23:187navimegaman09.27, 15:04, by Lord dynastyera

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