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Where did all the people come from? :o | 01.08, 15:04 | 4 | Pengu | 01.08, 15:23, by Pengu | Ranger's guild | 01.07, 21:23 | 3 | BitchFAPlease | 01.08, 10:00, by Dragon Eater | Suspected channelling fault | 01.08, 02:27 | 3 |  Lord MilesTeg | 01.08, 02:53, by  Corey | recruitment count | 01.07, 17:51 | 2 | meome | 01.07, 19:02, by Poison Ivy | Group battles for keys? | 01.07, 09:20 | 4 | Minjoot | 01.07, 11:46, by Poison Ivy | how does seduction work? | 01.07, 02:12 | 3 |  bp99 | 01.07, 05:41, by  bp99 | sphynx quest on .ru | 01.06, 20:17 | 3 | Majesticos | 01.07, 00:06, by crys41 | bug? | 01.06, 10:12 | 2 | Wonderla | 01.06, 20:12, by Lord Hallion91 | talent Problem | 01.06, 13:53 | 1 |  zzzqq | 01.06, 13:53, by  zzzqq | low skill level in mix tourament | 01.05, 18:37 | 3 |  gonlador | 01.05, 19:31, by  Magier | Tournament Results | 01.04, 22:28 | 4 | Nefarious God | 01.05, 08:32, by Dragon Eater | where r the good animals ? | 01.04, 12:49 | 8 | KOF Z | 01.04, 15:03, by K91 | hunt records` | 01.04, 03:44 | 6 | _-PRAJOY-_ | 01.04, 07:44, by _-PRAJOY-_ | Why am I stuck at wiz lvl 3? | 01.02, 14:36 | 10 | Greyfalcon | 01.04, 07:39, by Gaara | mad horse will leave ? | 01.03, 23:10 | 4 | KOF Z | 01.03, 23:24, by KOF Z | Is this an official link | 01.03, 18:36 | 10 | ttx555 | 01.03, 19:51, by Poison Ivy | Anniversary | 01.03, 08:05 | 3 | Fallen Atheros | 01.03, 13:21, by Fallen Atheros | Darkness Demon or Chaos Demon | 01.03, 11:23 | 3 | noob_xD | 01.03, 11:48, by LORDKUSHU | Changes in talents | 01.03, 06:37 | 6 |  Purgatory | 01.03, 08:24, by  Purgatory | Abu-Bakir's Charm | 01.03, 00:57 | 8 | Pengu | 01.03, 06:27, by Gaara | Question about Sheep 2015 | 01.02, 17:32 | 6 | DoomX | 01.03, 04:03, by DoomX | At which wizard FL do you get Speed? | 01.03, 03:01 | 3 | Flipendo | 01.03, 03:44, by Grunge | can't move units in battle | 01.02, 16:51 | 2 |  gonlador | 01.02, 21:27, by d0ctorwho | Link to such a battle | 01.02, 09:13 | 4 | narutoayan | 01.02, 14:04, by narutoayan | Mass Delay without Talents. | 01.02, 13:43 | 3 | AKA | 01.02, 14:03, by  Magier | Mad horse hunt too rare on my alt | 01.02, 03:35 | 3 |  Lord Robai | 01.02, 06:43, by narutoayan | past treats | 01.02, 00:07 | 3 | sora1keyblade2 | 01.02, 02:19, by Sven91 | The mad horse keeps apprearing | 01.01, 19:42 | 12 | Pengu | 01.01, 22:53, by Pengu | Query on Experience/FP | 01.01, 21:43 | 3 | Flipendo | 01.01, 22:12, by Flipendo | Why doesn't count of Mad Horse 2014 Increase? | 01.01, 20:54 | 2 | DangerousGaurav | 01.01, 20:57, by DangerousGaurav |