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Complaints and applications - Finance and others


Topic Date
Author Last message
swearing07.21, 12:352Lord brutalbarbarian07.21, 13:12, by #7153DragonFlayer
Transfers & undeclared mults07.21, 05:501Dionysus07.21, 05:50, by Dionysus
Delete/block my second character Acherit07.20, 20:112Lord Belerafon07.20, 22:58, by Malz
illegal transfers07.20, 20:341#4201SwitchBlad307.20, 20:34, by #4201SwitchBlad3
Market07.20, 14:372Lord NosferatuTDN07.20, 14:42, by Lady Straws
suspicious transfers07.20, 13:541Lord odyn07.20, 13:54, by Lord odyn
3x mult chars transfering illegal gold to 2 receiving chars07.20, 13:281Potasium07.20, 13:28, by Potasium
Illegal Transfers by three SISTERS07.20, 12:171Pranju9607.20, 12:17, by Pranju96
transfered gold07.20, 12:131Charmester07.20, 12:13, by Charmester
illeagal transfers07.20, 12:081Cindi07.20, 12:08, by Cindi
Sold char07.19, 23:0510#7153Clemency07.20, 01:05, by _lordswm_
suspicious transfers...07.19, 20:001Lady Eurena07.19, 20:00, by Lady Eurena
illegal transfers07.19, 15:084kitsing07.19, 19:38, by kitsing
hacked07.19, 14:482THE_GREATPOWER07.19, 15:37, by _indianlion_
palkiax_2 loan 15000 gold07.19, 15:212#7279sa32107.19, 15:21, by #7279sa321
unrecoverd loan07.19, 14:461lord_dhoni07.19, 14:46, by lord_dhoni
dunga_ronaldo - illegal transfers from 4 multis - bad names07.19, 11:051Arghmage07.19, 11:05, by Arghmage
yeen1919 - a bounch of 1919... Mulit+Illegal transfers07.19, 06:591Arghmage07.19, 06:59, by Arghmage
mult07.18, 20:111traveler12307.18, 20:11, by traveler123
illegal transfers07.18, 14:041fake_coppa07.18, 14:04, by fake_coppa
My password07.18, 10:472Lord RERUM07.18, 10:55, by DarkSooth
huge transfer of money07.18, 08:233devilbronze107.18, 08:27, by devilbronze1
illegal transver07.18, 03:591Lord great_necro07.18, 03:59, by Lord great_necro
Loan unpaid07.17, 13:295Lord Wounded07.18, 02:01, by Lord Wounded
did not return the debt07.16, 18:454Lord torton2207.17, 15:24, by Lord torton22
This is a big game violation,please admins take action07.17, 11:577LABLOUBA07.17, 13:01, by Lady misself
// multiple characters management rules violation07.17, 03:511Lady Eurena07.17, 03:51, by Lady Eurena
// multiple characters management rules violation07.16, 20:281Lady Eurena07.16, 20:28, by Lady Eurena
illegal brothers07.16, 18:131Lady Eurena07.16, 18:13, by Lady Eurena
Illegal Transfers.07.16, 13:181Darkcanis07.16, 13:18, by Darkcanis

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