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Complaints and applications - Finance and others


Topic Date
Author Last message
free tyrisia from bow ban03.14, 15:355Lady Ara03.14, 21:05, by #7365Lord Kotrin
player who speak rude03.14, 17:195firestorms03.14, 18:52, by #7181Omega22
block03.14, 17:284yasasu03.14, 17:46, by hiddenshadow
insult03.14, 13:005Lady Ara03.14, 16:42, by #7181Omega22
Assistance03.14, 14:581Lord Merlinus03.14, 14:58, by Lord Merlinus
cheat?03.14, 13:4346Lord Tzunami03.14, 14:56, by Lord Tzunami
Tzunami financial assist.03.14, 14:081ipslne03.14, 14:08, by ipslne
transfers03.14, 10:042Lord Martin_Mover03.14, 14:01, by Lord Martin_Mover
Suspicious Transfers03.13, 09:334StevieG03.14, 12:56, by AnuNaki
Block03.14, 10:071Terengganu03.14, 10:07, by Terengganu
Ice_Flower03.14, 08:023naapa9203.14, 09:21, by PastorDex
several alts providing gold to main03.14, 04:551PastorDex03.14, 04:55, by PastorDex
Hacker Asassinator03.14, 03:093Wizard_Daddy03.14, 03:27, by Asassinator
complain03.13, 18:353ashi758603.13, 20:22, by #7365Lord Kotrin
Jonathan9603.13, 14:482Terengganu03.13, 16:11, by Lord veteran
Exp assist:3 chars controlled by 1, everday03.13, 14:372hiddenshadow03.13, 14:39, by hiddenshadow
Block this char please.....03.13, 14:242Malaysian03.13, 14:26, by Malaysian
Money03.13, 10:313Qubic03.13, 12:34, by Lady sry
transfers02.15, 07:2455Lord Killer80603.13, 07:42, by Lord Killer806
Begging and Financial Assist03.04, 06:366#4201Lord Dizbe03.13, 05:07, by #4201Lord Dizbe
suspicious transfers...03.13, 02:353Beinion1503.13, 04:59, by Elf-killer
Strange Transfers03.12, 23:582Swingcat03.13, 00:00, by Swingcat
how is this possible at lvl 2?03.12, 01:246ReallyThor03.12, 21:14, by #7365Lord Kotrin
left the battle03.12, 17:393Kirill_of_Send03.12, 21:13, by #7365Lord Kotrin
Financial Assist03.12, 20:101Javi03.12, 20:10, by Javi
a cheater,probably03.12, 19:121Ainurcro03.12, 19:12, by Ainurcro
Block03.10, 16:434Show_No_Mercy03.12, 18:59, by Show_No_Mercy
very high amount of multi transfers03.12, 15:392AnuNaki03.12, 15:48, by AnuNaki
Illegal Transfers / financial assist02.27, 11:083Naargi03.12, 14:49, by Naargi
KabutoYakushi03.11, 22:584Smaskir03.12, 00:36, by Smaskir

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