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Ordinary artifacts


Topic Date
Author Last message
SELL - thief amulet 60/6007.31, 09:091#7181Lord SONYcz07.31, 09:09, by #7181Lord SONYcz
[SELL] Longbow [E6] 1/50 for 16'000 gold07.28, 17:393Lord DeadDed07.30, 22:34, by Lord DeadDed
Selling 7 arts07.29, 09:213BrutalStrike07.30, 08:08, by BrutalStrike
Auction - modified Prophet rings07.29, 06:152majere07.29, 12:39, by majere
sale sale sale07.29, 11:551rahulkaira07.29, 11:55, by rahulkaira
Sell Ring of Inspiration 4750 each07.28, 14:532#7181Omega2207.29, 10:44, by #7181Omega22
[Sell] Steel cuirass [E2] Steel helmet [A2] Steel boots [A2]07.28, 06:003Draco7707.28, 09:55, by Draco77
Auctioning enchanted art07.13, 11:4429Dionysus07.28, 09:49, by Dionysus
[SELL] Sword of might [E8A8W8] - Mithril longsword [E8A8W8]07.27, 05:005nnt00007.28, 00:32, by nnt000
[Sell] Mithril longsword [E8A8W8] 50/6707.18, 15:1210Alyna07.27, 06:01, by Alyna
selling ring of impetuosity for 590007.25, 02:451#7365Lord Conquest07.25, 02:45, by #7365Lord Conquest
new smither (but free)07.24, 20:332KelThusad807.24, 20:35, by KelThusad8
[Sell] Steel cuirass [E5F5] [70/70] ------------- 28k07.23, 14:564#7279Lord binghuo07.24, 14:46, by #7279Lord binghuo
[SELL] Leather helmet 30/30 - 1800 gp07.24, 13:591#7181Lord Mr_eee07.24, 13:59, by #7181Lord Mr_eee
[sell] Steel boots [E5F5] [70/70] ---------- 31k07.23, 14:533#7279Lord binghuo07.24, 13:15, by #7279Lord binghuo
[RENT] Longbow [E10A10W10F10] for 1 battle, 1000-1500 gold07.24, 10:582#7181Lord Xerfer07.24, 11:20, by #7181Lord Xerfer
[Sell] Steel cuirass [E5F5] [70/70] (Earth&Fire10%) for 07.15, 03:0418#7279Lord binghuo07.22, 17:19, by #7279Lord binghuo
[sell] Steel boots [E5F5] [70/70] (Earth&Fire10%) for 3007.15, 06:0616#7279Lord binghuo07.22, 08:49, by #7279Lord binghuo
[Sell] Sword of might [E8A8W8]06.25, 09:5023#4201Lord Robai07.21, 19:15, by #4201Lord Robai
BUY LONGBOW WITH KRAFT07.20, 16:041ZALL07.20, 16:04, by ZALL
Steel Blade [A1] for only 2000 gold.07.18, 05:145Santremus07.20, 15:29, by Santremus
can i know how to get steel arts and SOM...other then market07.20, 07:531Lord pavan7307.20, 07:53, by Lord pavan73
Sword of might E5A5 80/80 for Sale07.10, 10:2013#7181Omega2207.19, 18:06, by #7181Omega22
[Sell] Steel helmet [E5] [70/70] for 19k07.17, 17:163#7279Lord binghuo07.19, 14:18, by #7279Lord binghuo
Vonemarket - Longbow[E5W5]07.14, 13:294#7227Lord Vonemar07.18, 15:57, by #7227Lord Vonemar
I sell longbow 50/50 cheap07.14, 03:1220Bite-My-Nuggets07.18, 12:44, by Bite-My-Nuggets
Selling sulfur! for 369 gold each!!!!07.17, 17:381Nanesto07.17, 17:38, by Nanesto
Steel Blade [E1] for only 1600 gold.07.17, 14:102Santremus07.17, 14:20, by Santremus
[SELL] Sword of Might [E5A5] 68/80 ---> 5000007.16, 14:485#7181Lord Xerfer07.17, 12:24, by #7181Lord Xerfer
[Sell] Ring of inspiration [18/18] price $4850/one07.12, 16:479Lord Almer07.16, 15:34, by #7490RADO

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