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Ordinary artifacts


Topic Date
Author Last message
Selling - Mithril longsword [E6A6] 45/69 durability09.19, 22:0323kenshinrtk09.30, 06:21, by #4201Lord Pantheon
Sword of might [E7A7W7F10] for sell09.29, 01:293china_blue9909.30, 06:17, by #4201Lord Pantheon
WTB09.29, 15:201Lord syltan09.29, 15:20, by Lord syltan
[Sell] Ring of inspiration [18/18] price $4800/one09.28, 13:312Lord Almer09.29, 06:36, by Lord Almer
buying thief boots almost full durability09.27, 19:551tristan2909.27, 19:55, by tristan29
sword of retribution09.26, 12:101Artisian09.26, 12:10, by Artisian
[Sell] Medal Of Bravery[F7] for 5000 golds only09.24, 12:403ForestFighter09.26, 08:40, by ForestFighter
buying some enchated artefacts09.25, 18:083tristan2909.25, 21:07, by tristan29
[Sell] SP/KN full durability artifacts - Lv9/1009.25, 05:091Lady Straws09.25, 05:09, by Lady Straws
Selling or Trading great Magic Caster Item09.23, 06:153#7153limustudotcom09.24, 19:52, by #7153limustudotcom
i am selling enchated cheap arts09.23, 07:223tristan2909.23, 19:05, by tristan29
selling good artefacts09.21, 16:423tristan2909.23, 05:57, by tristan29
Platemail - best price09.22, 21:141#4201Lord Ranor09.22, 21:14, by #4201Lord Ranor
[Sell] Reprisal Sword{E3}09.21, 10:243ForestFighter09.22, 08:08, by ForestFighter
Selling Dragon Shield A4F4 full durability cheap (+)!!09.20, 16:552Plutnik09.22, 07:37, by Plutnik
Equilibrium Blade E4A409.20, 11:466#7153Elven_Lord09.21, 16:01, by #7153Elven_Lord
defender sheildA1 0/40, 2500 gold09.20, 03:461hockeymaniac09.20, 03:46, by hockeymaniac
[Sell] Longbow [E7A7W7]09.17, 17:416#4201Lord Robai09.18, 11:36, by #4201Lord Robai
defender sheild E6A609.18, 11:301hockeymaniac09.18, 11:30, by hockeymaniac
Lv 9/10 SP/KN shop artifacts09.16, 07:121Lady Straws09.16, 07:12, by Lady Straws
[SELL] 2 x Penumbral ring [F7] 48/5009.15, 15:522#7181Lord Mr_eee09.15, 16:52, by #4201aRU
[Sell] Ring of inspiration [18/18] price $4800/one09.15, 11:291Lord Almer09.15, 11:29, by Lord Almer
Selling Very good enchated swords !!!09.12, 10:122MyDoom09.13, 14:03, by MyDoom
[sell] Steel boots [E6F6] & Light mithril cuirass [E6F6]09.06, 17:4510#7279Lord binghuo09.12, 20:08, by #7279Lord binghuo
[Sell] Ring of inspiration [18/18] price $4800/one08.26, 14:4927Lord Almer09.12, 08:01, by Lord Almer
shop of arts with really good prices09.09, 22:545hockeymaniac09.12, 06:34, by darmogathel
plz sell me a amulet of luck plz09.11, 09:376killer7197009.12, 04:15, by killer71970
selling defender sheild A109.11, 03:134hockeymaniac09.12, 02:07, by hockeymaniac
sell master hunter dagger..cheaper!!!!09.11, 16:571redzuan97ht09.11, 16:57, by redzuan97ht
[SELL] Steel blade 30/3009.10, 22:521Lady MisteryGirl09.10, 22:52, by Lady MisteryGirl

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