Forums-->Leasing <|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|>
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[Lease][Various lvl shop artifacts] | 12.31, 13:17 | 13 | Lord DaveM | 01.13, 11:49, by Lord DaveM | [Lease][Var. Enchanted, BB, GH, MH, Thief ][1,6k-6k /Battle] | 01.01, 10:16 | 45 | Hedvig | 01.12, 10:26, by Hedvig | [Lease][Heavily Enchanted Might and Magic Arts][400-1400] | 12.31, 21:42 | 10 | Erekose | 01.11, 13:22, by Erekose | [Lease][MH set][1350g/battle] | 01.06, 11:27 | 7 | Pankaj_Kalra21 | 01.11, 06:56, by Pankaj_Kalra21 | [Lease][BB set][3600g/battle] | 01.06, 11:31 | 9 | Pankaj_Kalra21 | 01.11, 06:52, by Pankaj_Kalra21 | [Lease] [BB Spear] [ 375 Gold per battle] | 01.08, 10:40 | 1 | TheKnightsss | 01.08, 10:40, by TheKnightsss | [Lease] [GH set] [ 2700 gold/battle] | 01.01, 18:01 | 12 | greatmagenish | 01.06, 19:22, by greatmagenish | [Lease] [BB Spear] [ 555 Gold per battle] | 01.06, 13:36 | 1 | TheKnightsss | 01.06, 13:36, by TheKnightsss | [Lease][GH set][2500g/combat] | 01.06, 11:19 | 2 | Pankaj_Kalra21 | 01.06, 11:47, by  Lord Lexo | [Rent][level 4 arts][1 battle] | 01.06, 09:43 | 5 | Knightkill | 01.06, 10:56, by Knightkill | [Lease][lvl 12 shop arts] | 01.03, 13:31 | 2 | knightman39 | 01.05, 14:25, by knightman39 | [Lease] [BB Spear] [ 585 Gold per battle] | 01.01, 20:44 | 11 | TheKnightsss | 01.04, 22:38, by TheKnightsss | [Lease][Hunter bow][E4A4W4][2500/battle] | 01.01, 18:49 | 9 | -_Ben_Laden_- | 01.04, 14:57, by -_Ben_Laden_- | [Lease][Enchanted Weapons][900-1200gold/battle] | 12.24, 14:08 | 23 | Lord alleroy | 01.03, 11:34, by Lord alleroy | arts from lvl 3- lvl 10 | 01.02, 13:46 | 3 | Lord bouc | 01.02, 14:12, by  Lord Lexo | [Lease][Sword of retribution][300/battle] | 12.25, 10:15 | 12 | Master98961 | 01.02, 12:00, by Master98961 | [Lease] [Shop arts] | 12.25, 15:18 | 11 | Collector79 | 01.02, 07:50, by Collector79 | (need)level 6 set for 5 battles | 01.02, 06:43 | 2 | Elfen_lord | 01.02, 07:03, by  Lord Lexo | [Lease][BB Set][4.2kg/Combat] | 01.02, 05:37 | 1 | Lady Mohini | 01.02, 05:37, by Lady Mohini | [Lease][7-10 lvl Sets][1200-1400 gold/combat] | 01.01, 09:25 | 2 |  Rupan | 01.01, 22:08, by  Rupan | [Lease] Hunter bow[E4A4W4] 2500/battle | 01.01, 17:52 | 3 | -_Ben_Laden_- | 01.01, 18:13, by  Lord Lexo | [Lease][Hunter set][550 gold/battle] | 01.01, 09:16 | 6 | Knightkill | 01.01, 15:30, by Knightkill | [rent] [mithril staff] [24hr] | 12.31, 18:54 | 9 | 4themassive | 01.01, 12:17, by 4themassive | [rent][mh set] | 01.01, 12:00 | 2 |  barbmaster | 01.01, 12:48, by  barbmaster | [Lease] [GH set] [ 2700 gold ] [ 1 Battle ] | 01.01, 11:51 | 2 | greatmagenish | 01.01, 12:44, by Anton-55 | [Lease][Various enchanted and hunter artifacts] | 12.27, 10:52 | 35 | Hedvig | 01.01, 09:02, by Hedvig | Cdam in arendu set oxotnika | 01.01, 07:22 | 2 | Electee | 01.01, 08:26, by Anton-55 | 7-8 lvl full artifatct set, 9-10 lvl full artifact set | 01.01, 08:18 | 2 |  Rupan | 01.01, 08:43, by ElfPride | Rent 250 gold hunter set in the mail, please contact us | 01.01, 07:18 | 1 | Electee | 01.01, 07:18, by Electee | [Lease] [Enchanted weapons] | 12.14, 04:34 | 15 | Collector79 | 12.31, 17:47, by Collector79 |