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Smiths and Enchanters services


Topic Date
Author Last message
[Repair][90%][110% costs]06.17, 16:3672#7153limustudotcom08.31, 10:35, by #7153kwan_waris3
[Weaponsmith][5x12][Elements only]06.17, 16:1590#7153Lord MrHellRaiser08.31, 10:34, by #7153kwan_waris3
[Repair][90%][110% costs]06.28, 07:2588Lord hunter08.29, 11:39, by Lord hunter
[Armorer][1x2][Elements Only]08.20, 17:488Lord Lexo08.27, 10:35, by Lord Lexo
[Repair][50%][50% costs]08.21, 13:557Tatarstan08.26, 13:37, by Tatarstan
[Repair][20%][10% costs]08.15, 06:1319egorov08.25, 04:14, by egorov
[Repair][60%][50% repair cost]07.10, 08:0029Lord Andy08.19, 17:57, by Lord Andy
[Armorer][3x9][Paying back 500 for each element]07.08, 13:3930Lord Andy08.19, 17:56, by Lord Andy
[Armorer][1x2][Elements Only]08.13, 19:143Lord Lexo08.16, 09:24, by Lord Lexo
Can do smith 70% for 60% of cost08.11, 16:411DarkName08.11, 16:41, by DarkName
how much?07.24, 15:351GlyeStik07.24, 15:35, by GlyeStik
[Repair][10%][Free]07.17, 09:4411Humpty_Dumpty07.20, 18:14, by Humpty_Dumpty
[Weaponsmith][1x3][Elements only]07.18, 20:207Humpty_Dumpty07.20, 18:12, by Humpty_Dumpty
[Weaponsmith][1x2][Elements only]07.17, 19:442Humpty_Dumpty07.18, 17:02, by Humpty_Dumpty
[Repair][60%][50% Cost]07.15, 15:201chrisgong2707.15, 15:20, by chrisgong27
[Weaponsmith][2x2][Armor2x6][Jewelcrafter][2x8][Only Elemn]07.04, 10:2518#9595Lord hablaty07.14, 07:02, by #9595Lord hablaty
[Weaponsmith][4x10][Elements Only]07.06, 11:448Lord leha507.14, 05:58, by Lord leha5
[Repair][60%][50% Cost]02.21, 03:05277#7705Lord naviron07.13, 01:24, by #7705Lord naviron
[Repair][10%][95% costs]06.30, 14:5325naapa9207.10, 08:10, by naapa92
[Weaponsmith][4x10][Jewelcrafter][4x5][Elements only]06.16, 18:5324Lord mov-8107.06, 08:29, by Lord mov-81
[Armorer][3x8][Paying back 750 for each element]06.29, 07:053Lord Andy07.01, 07:39, by Lord Andy
[Repair][60%][50% repair cost]06.29, 07:063Lord Andy07.01, 07:38, by Lord Andy
[Repair][90%][110% repair cost]06.01, 08:0023LEVY06.29, 08:17, by LEVY
[Repair][90%][105% costs]06.04, 08:0663#9595Lord hablaty06.28, 20:33, by #9595Lord hablaty
[Weaponsmith][2x2][Armor2x6][Jewelcrafter][2x8][Only Elemn]06.04, 08:0546#9595Lord hablaty06.28, 18:02, by #9595Lord hablaty
[Repiar][40%][25% costs]06.28, 13:001danger06.28, 13:00, by danger
[Repair][70%][60% costs]06.08, 16:5311Lord Link06.27, 03:34, by Lord Link
[Repiar][30%][15% costs]06.25, 06:241danger06.25, 06:24, by danger
[Repair][90%][110% costs]03.21, 08:34150Lord hunter06.24, 16:02, by Lord hunter
[Repair][30%][20% cost]06.24, 14:551Lord Darkngs06.24, 14:55, by Lord Darkngs

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