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Smiths and Enchanters services


Topic Date
Author Last message
[Repair] [50%] [30% cost]12.11, 15:2414Cynic12.28, 05:48, by Cynic
[Repair][40%][30% costs]09.13, 14:30232angela8812.27, 02:23, by angela88
[Repair][10%][1% coast]12.26, 21:371russin_Hoor12.26, 21:37, by russin_Hoor
[Weaponsmith][4x10][Elements Only]12.10, 16:3253Lady Anlain12.26, 13:25, by Lady Anlain
[Repair][40%][30% costs]12.21, 10:132voldymar12.23, 10:21, by Dionysus
[Repair][90%][110% costs]12.19, 13:146Lord hunter12.22, 06:45, by Lord hunter
[Repair][70%][60% costs]09.30, 14:47125Lord TurboMan12.20, 02:52, by Lord TurboMan
[Repair][40%][30% costs]12.12, 10:193voldymar12.16, 16:18, by Dionysus
[Repair][90%][105% costs]11.01, 18:4673LITWIN12.13, 10:48, by LITWIN
[Repair][90%][110% costs]09.25, 18:30109Lord hunter12.13, 07:05, by Lord hunter
[Repair][90%][105% costs]07.04, 10:26298#9595Lord hablaty12.12, 11:43, by #9595Lord hablaty
[Repair][70%][60% costs]08.26, 07:45182#7490Lady SladurAna12.12, 11:41, by #9595Lord hablaty
[Weaponsmith][2x2][Armor2x6][Jewelcrafter][2x10][Only Elemn]07.14, 18:12253#9595Lord hablaty12.12, 11:40, by #9595Lord hablaty
[Repair][10%][Free]11.08, 10:18172#8433Lord Lexo12.11, 09:58, by #8433Lord Lexo
[Armorer][2x4][Jewelcrafter][2x3]Paying back 350g/element]12.10, 14:481#4201Szupermen12.10, 14:48, by #4201Szupermen
[Repair] [50%] [30% cost]12.06, 06:313Cynic12.08, 10:59, by Cynic
[Repair] [50%] [35% cost]12.01, 16:423Cynic12.05, 17:57, by Cynic
[Repair][60%][45% repair cost]09.17, 22:5552Lord Andy12.01, 22:55, by Lord Andy
[Repair] [50%] [40% cost]12.01, 16:401Cynic12.01, 16:40, by Cynic
[REPAIR] [50%] [40% repair cost]11.30, 06:351Cynic11.30, 06:35, by Cynic
[Weaponsmith][5x12][Elements only]11.25, 22:171#7153Lord MrHellRaiser11.25, 22:17, by #7153Lord MrHellRaiser
[Repair][50%][45% costs]11.22, 04:446#7153Flour11.25, 16:31, by #7153Flour
[Weaponsmith][2x5][Elements only plus 100 gold back ]11.18, 15:132Boozy_Bosco11.19, 17:40, by Boozy_Bosco
[Repair][50%][45% costs]11.14, 17:101#7153Flour11.14, 17:10, by #7153Flour
[Repair][70%][55% costs][Jewelcrafter][3x16]11.12, 09:455Lady _Galandriel_11.14, 06:34, by Lady _Galandriel_
[Weaponsmith][4x10][Elements Only]07.27, 23:22470Lady Anlain11.11, 13:27, by Lady Anlain
[Repair][50%][50% costs]10.20, 16:3030#7153Flour11.11, 03:11, by #7153Flour
[Repair][60%][50% costs]01.11, 04:54392#2902okdeil11.11, 03:02, by #2902okdeil
[Repiar][40%][25%]11.09, 16:351Lord Revengero_O11.09, 16:35, by Lord Revengero_O
[Weaponsmith][4x10][Elements Only]10.25, 10:226Lord leha510.31, 07:36, by Lord leha5

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