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[Service] Hunting | 06.05, 14:37 | 12 | aijez | 06.13, 12:10, by aijez | [Buy][MG Elements] | 06.09, 16:43 | 15 | Moana | 06.13, 05:22, by Moana | [Buy][MG Elements] | 05.15, 05:41 | 89 | Lord DragonEater | 06.13, 03:54, by Lord DragonEater | [Buy][MG Elements] | 06.09, 21:03 | 16 | Lord Reaperthug | 06.13, 03:10, by Lord Reaperthug | [Buy][MG elements] | 05.30, 12:28 | 84 | Lord _force_ | 06.11, 22:04, by Lord _force_ | [Buy][ MG Elements] | 05.17, 19:53 | 35 | Lord dogegs2 | 06.11, 21:16, by Lord dogegs2 | [Service][Artifacts and Resources home-delivery][50 gold] | 06.11, 05:46 | 3 | Liongo | 06.11, 10:58, by Liongo | buying diamonds | 06.10, 19:22 | 3 | Lady Muon | 06.10, 19:29, by Lord Atheros | [Buy] TGI 1 060 000 | 05.30, 14:38 | 9 | darkelf84 | 06.10, 05:59, by coolahed | I want to buy ur clan | 06.09, 12:23 | 3 | NecroTime | 06.09, 15:33, by Lord DragonEater | [Sell] TGI Invite | 06.09, 05:20 | 2 | Fhyreon | 06.09, 05:34, by coolahed | [sell] Fern flower 4666,- | 06.08, 15:50 | 2 | Lord KelThusad | 06.08, 16:59, by Lord KelThusad | [Service][Collateral loan system] | 06.07, 06:19 | 5 | Liongo | 06.08, 12:03, by Liongo | selling toadstool,abrasive,fire crystals | 06.07, 20:26 | 1 | Kshitiz45 | 06.07, 20:26, by Kshitiz45 | [Buy][MG elements] | 03.01, 00:37 | 468 | Lord xXxKratosxXx | 06.07, 17:05, by Lord xXxKratosxXx | [BUY] [resources] | 06.06, 06:47 | 3 | cyberclops | 06.07, 12:44, by cyberclops | Offer of hunting assistance, for free | 06.06, 14:51 | 8 | Lord BrownBear | 06.07, 12:27, by Lord BrownBear | loan | 06.07, 10:59 | 1 | princey | 06.07, 10:59, by princey | [Sell 15 crystal, 15 sulfer and 15 gems] 370 each | 06.07, 05:56 | 1 | Fhyreon | 06.07, 05:56, by Fhyreon | [Buy] Elements | 05.31, 03:40 | 24 | Lord Akkter | 06.06, 20:35, by Lord Akkter | <Buy MG elements and resources> | 06.06, 17:16 | 1 | Utochnik | 06.06, 17:16, by Utochnik | [Service][Avatars][price 2000-7000 gold] | 06.05, 10:10 | 6 | hamster-killerr | 06.06, 16:19, by hamster-killerr | [Service] [Avatars, only static] [price 1000 gold] | 05.30, 15:51 | 15 | DarknessDoom | 06.06, 15:08, by DarknessDoom | resources 360 apiece | 06.03, 23:24 | 4 | pacorulz74 | 06.04, 04:31, by Lord Reaperthug | [Service] [Avatars with Special Offers] [Low Costs] | 05.30, 09:57 | 7 | narutoayan | 06.02, 02:44, by narutoayan | [Buy][MG elements] | 05.20, 12:43 | 37 | Bblkycu | 06.01, 06:25, by Bblkycu | [Buy] TGI 1 050 000 | 05.12, 17:27 | 23 | Lady d7i | 06.01, 06:01, by Lady d7i | [sell][tgi][1.15kk] | 05.31, 04:37 | 2 | Lord kanss | 05.31, 11:56, by Lord kanss | [Sell][Fern flower] 4.8k | 05.31, 09:52 | 1 | Lady TaQQ | 05.31, 09:52, by Lady TaQQ | [Sell][Elements] | 05.23, 23:39 | 11 | Flour | 05.30, 15:38, by Flour |