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101 ST CL 402.25, 13:1310The_Last_Empire03.02, 15:06, by #4776Dwarf_skilled
101st survival tournament level 802.24, 13:0311devin_201103.02, 10:57, by Shubham_007
[6th Paired Tournament][Cl 9]02.21, 21:206JustTuna03.02, 06:26, by Gaara
[6th Paired Tournament][Cl 11]02.21, 15:504MrBattleControl03.02, 02:54, by #7705vbFifi
101st Survival Tournament - Level 302.24, 13:4210IC-51203.01, 17:23, by Hemnath
[6th Paired Tournament][Cl 8]02.21, 19:2011Vlaer03.01, 17:23, by devin_2011
101st ST CL 1302.24, 12:0512narutoayan03.01, 08:34, by #1519slayerofall
[6th Paired Tournament][Cl 3]02.21, 16:244Wyvern02.28, 23:46, by Lady Elwe
101st survival tournament level 602.24, 18:015#7490phoenix2202.27, 03:58, by Percy-Jackson
[6th Paired Tournament][CL 10]02.22, 01:212Krantos02.26, 14:52, by RevolutionRebel
[101st ST][CL 9]02.25, 08:2115REd Pois0n02.26, 05:15, by REd Pois0n
[6th Paired Tournament] [CL 5]02.22, 13:562Loafoant02.24, 04:40, by candy_lollipop
[6th Paired Tournament][Cl 7]02.22, 13:491-dark-lord-02.22, 13:49, by -dark-lord-
[6th Paired Tournament][CL 12]02.22, 03:571Lord great_barb02.22, 03:57, by Lord great_barb
100th ST Results02.17, 22:2621Naturalious02.20, 17:20, by #4201ParaLeul
100th ST lvl 1302.10, 22:4116Q_w_e_r_t_o02.18, 01:18, by FaithBringer
100th ST lvl 1102.10, 22:3713Lord Apocalyptum02.18, 01:03, by #9595merlin36
100th ST lvl 1502.11, 22:3817Garudorm02.17, 20:32, by #4201Lord Khellendros
100th ST level 1002.10, 18:4514Naturalious02.17, 17:08, by VRBack
100th Survival Tournament [Level 4]02.10, 13:4829SoldierOfEmpire02.17, 16:33, by enginer
100th Survival Tournament [Level 7]02.10, 15:0511#7153King Of Dungeon02.17, 12:36, by HunkKing
100th ST lvl 902.11, 00:0415Robertek02.17, 11:58, by Lord poyk
[100th ST][Level 3]02.10, 19:5922thegreatkhali02.17, 11:52, by dwarf_ruler
100th Survival Tournament [CL 12]02.11, 03:1564themassive02.17, 04:45, by #1519slayerofall
100th Survival Tournament [Level 14]02.12, 13:296Fallen Atheros02.16, 16:03, by crys41
Commanders Guild Tent [Level 12]06.08, 17:50115#4201Magier02.16, 11:27, by #7490The Scavenger
[100th ST][Level 6]02.10, 14:0222dwarf_ruler02.16, 05:17, by Back From Hell
[100th ST][CL 8]02.10, 18:4126REd Pois0n02.15, 15:19, by Garudorm
[22nd Minor tournament][Level 11]02.14, 20:543ExMr_Brown02.15, 06:47, by #7102time_keeper
100th Survival Tournament lvl 502.10, 18:5922KabutoYakushi02.13, 21:13, by TheKapitan

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