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Complaints and applications - Violations in tavern and battles


Topic Date
Author Last message
unsportsmanlike behavior11.01, 21:011Lord molstesss11.01, 21:01, by Lord molstesss
Intentional AFK11.01, 13:192#7181Omega2211.01, 18:28, by Zyanya
Intentional AFK10.31, 14:1810Lord -Phoenix-11.01, 06:39, by #7365Lord Kotrin
insult10.31, 21:392padawan12311.01, 00:41, by sjb50
jarda28 make me lose on purpose10.31, 09:333Goku_3010.31, 10:00, by Zyanya
Intentional AFK10.31, 09:521Zyanya10.31, 09:52, by Zyanya
In-battle insults complaint10.30, 15:333Lord Hellfalcon10.30, 16:56, by Lord Hellfalcon
complaint against cinecrystal10.30, 16:163shahidsad10.30, 16:17, by gurumao
Fight delay10.30, 09:553Lady Svetochek10.30, 11:00, by #7365Lord Kotrin
blacklord080210.30, 00:173ty20510.30, 10:54, by #7365Lord Kotrin
unfair battle10.30, 05:292GreenLeaf10.30, 07:01, by Lady misself
Suspected intentional AFK10.30, 00:043#7181Lord lcorndogl10.30, 00:17, by #7181Lord lcorndogl
JohnPatron foul words and offence10.29, 13:532OndaNera10.29, 13:54, by Lady Straws
intentional afk10.29, 02:482Brick910.29, 03:23, by sjb50
staged battle10.29, 02:011matt__77710.29, 02:01, by matt__777
foul language10.28, 13:561cyberlord10.28, 13:56, by cyberlord
rude guy10.28, 13:171Charmel10.28, 13:17, by Charmel
foul language via private email10.27, 22:394dcsniper8910.27, 23:43, by #7181Lord lukeman56789
Injury to private mail10.27, 21:165Ahmid_jafrid10.27, 21:52, by Zyanya
foul language in tavern10.27, 20:202articdom10.27, 20:37, by Lord orly
Donation delay battle10.27, 15:092Ahmid_jafrid10.27, 15:10, by Ahmid_jafrid
offensive language10.27, 02:513dcsniper8910.27, 03:05, by sjb50
intentional wait/harassing/extortion10.26, 12:263Tita_Tovenaar10.26, 13:47, by #7365Lord Kotrin
afk in group batle10.26, 13:132Lord -Phoenix-10.26, 13:46, by #7365Lord Kotrin
player wargame: insults in battlechat10.26, 00:004telca10.26, 03:05, by Zyanya
intetional wait/afk/harrass10.26, 02:244dcsniper8910.26, 02:51, by #7181Lord lcorndogl
insult at tavern10.25, 19:101Lord Uliss10.25, 19:10, by Lord Uliss
insult in battle!!!10.25, 09:443Lord -Phoenix-10.25, 10:52, by #7365Lord Kotrin
using very abousive language10.25, 10:452Lord kanss10.25, 10:49, by #7365Lord Kotrin
Intentional AFK10.25, 09:421Lord -Phoenix-10.25, 09:42, by Lord -Phoenix-

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