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Complaints and applications - Violations in tavern and battles


Topic Date
Author Last message
offensive language10.27, 02:513dcsniper8910.27, 03:05, by sjb50
intentional wait/harassing/extortion10.26, 12:263Tita_Tovenaar10.26, 13:47, by #7365Lord Kotrin
afk in group batle10.26, 13:132Lord -Phoenix-10.26, 13:46, by #7365Lord Kotrin
player wargame: insults in battlechat10.26, 00:004telca10.26, 03:05, by Zyanya
intetional wait/afk/harrass10.26, 02:244dcsniper8910.26, 02:51, by #7181Lord lcorndogl
insult at tavern10.25, 19:101#12186Lord Uliss10.25, 19:10, by #12186Lord Uliss
insult in battle!!!10.25, 09:443Lord -Phoenix-10.25, 10:52, by #7365Lord Kotrin
using very abousive language10.25, 10:452Lord kanss10.25, 10:49, by #7365Lord Kotrin
Intentional AFK10.25, 09:421Lord -Phoenix-10.25, 09:42, by Lord -Phoenix-
dirty fighting10.23, 20:311Firebaba10.23, 20:31, by Firebaba
Volley on teammate .10.23, 11:431Lord Erebes10.23, 11:43, by Lord Erebes
Inactivity in fight10.23, 02:132sapnov10.23, 06:33, by #7365Lord Kotrin
player offering free win for gold10.22, 20:454meera12310.23, 06:31, by #7365Lord Kotrin
deliberating our battle for the 2nd time:FONSY10.22, 10:292Spigel10.22, 14:10, by Zyanya
i lost the game because of the team mate10.22, 04:191EhteshaM10.22, 04:19, by EhteshaM
rude words10.21, 14:551Lobz10.21, 14:55, by Lobz
insult in mail10.21, 12:502yanwiniwn10.21, 13:02, by gurumao
Losing battles.10.21, 10:351Lord _Vitalik_10.21, 10:35, by Lord _Vitalik_
Unsportsmanlike behaviour10.21, 09:471#7181Lord Im_your_Death10.21, 09:47, by #7181Lord Im_your_Death
http://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=1584216610.21, 08:051PbIZDbIDAM10.21, 08:05, by PbIZDbIDAM
Fight plums10.20, 12:472sapnov10.20, 12:57, by Zyanya
Intentional afk in group battle Tharox10.20, 11:043magici10.20, 11:20, by magici
Intentionally delaying fight as long as possible - patejl10.20, 02:214Rekkin10.20, 06:28, by blazingarpit
Staged tavern games10.20, 03:364#7365Lord GRRRR10.20, 04:25, by kenshinrtk
flood Kizkoko10.20, 03:471necro_66610.20, 03:47, by necro_666
Intentional AFK10.19, 22:431Zyanya10.19, 22:43, by Zyanya
bad words10.19, 01:542BalaramReddy10.19, 02:13, by sjb50
Offensive language10.19, 00:576dcsniper8910.19, 01:31, by tokkk
http://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=1577358510.18, 17:301Lord denn200010.18, 17:30, by Lord denn2000
abusing in combat10.18, 09:502ambrish10.18, 10:16, by Zyanya

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