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second blinfold battle


Authorsecond blinfold battle
This tournament parameter is stupid.. Tactical players keeps getting attacked..
Rather call this tournament "n"th Randomness Tournament instead.
i read it somewhere before, but couldn't find it anymore. how is exp and faction points awarded to players? what are the multipliers?
for elenthil:

Can see it directly on tournament page : https://www.lordswm.com/tournaments.php
2) New arena hosting six-fold "Every One For Oneself" combat types open. Lords of combat level 12 and above can choose a range of levels when creating this kind of challenges.
Experience and skil points are warded as follows. First one out gets 30% exp, 50% fsp; second - 40% exp, 65% fsp; third - 50% exp, 80% fsp; fourth - 60% exp, 120% fsp; fifth - 70% exp, 135% fsp; last man standing gets 100% exp and 150% fsp gained.

(from Grand Update Official Announcement)

^That times the multiplier which applies to your level as mentioned in tournament page.
mu pts is 9 if 6 battles
But that is not the point. To all that say that all these tournament battles are staged: proof that you can have a real EfO combat is right here!

Ermm.. while not implying anything or taking anything away from your well-deserved victory, did you noticed that your point that you had a real EFO could be coz there was no 2 players who were in the same clan? That fact might have helped. :)

Well done and nice win nonetheless. :)

EW again? aren't you people ashamed of what's going on? i would die of an embarrassment

just another 3 sour losers :(
To Korzika,
I wouldn't accuse anyone for cheating easily.
But players from one military clan are really suspicious and not a single
case I have met. Such as 18 ogre take retaliation of a 60 guardian stack
for another 60 guardian stack, these two keep peace from each other and
the knight even tried to save the barb from being wiped out. And another
case, 9 hydra could atack 2 griffin + 60 guardian + 9 monks, but they
moved to attack 1 guardian of another player to clean the way for 60 guardians
and the 9 hydra were still in the range of 60 guardians and 9 monks.
Ok, there are just too many obvious evidence that some players are not determined to team up whom upon the beginning of a battle.
It seems to me that the one MC does have good organization and a lot of its
members do use MSN or some other chat programs efficiently.
And sometimes some really funny thing would happen. Such as the last battle
I had, from beginning, the DE put his shrew to a better place to attack me.
He was very sure that one knight would never attack him but he forget to check
his shrew were in range of another knight. Then griffins surely striked.
These 2 players, a knight and a DE, they cooperated so well that the only
conclusion is they do have some spiritual connections if not cyber.
for Korzika:

hmm.. only top 3 positions? I saw two where they occupy the top 4 positions(!) In one of them, the 6th-placed guy in that battle lasted less than 4 turns. His army Took a total of about 20 hits from 4 players from.. ermm.. the same clan.

Bud, it's no use really. In their minds, this tourney is called 'everyone for one's clan'. They know they can't win alone, so they require help. It's a wolf pack mentality really. It's how gangs work. They are weak alone, so they gather together and attack others in groups. They probably feel 'superior' beating others this way. :)

A new reason I saw was: "the other clans are doing it, so why shouldn't we?". Well, except for the fact that they conveniently forgot to mention that in many of the battles I saw, the rest of the players either don't belong to any clans or are of different clans (like the example you posted), and they still teamed up from start to end(!). I wonder which part of the 'temporary' in "temporary alliance" don't they understand..

PS: In-between hunts/quests/troops recovery, I have being amusing myself with a new game on this site. - Just go to Group Battles, watch a tourney game (preferably high level, from lvl 9-12) that just started, watch their moves, and guess which are the players from the same clan. So far, I'm 5/6! (I guessed wrong on one coz I only guess the top 3 from the same clan, when the 4th placer was also from the same clan! haha..) It's really easy, but really fun.

On a side note, I have friends and players I respect in one of the clans implicated, and I'm glad to say they are not involved. Some have not played any games in the tourney, and the few that did, either stopped after 1 game, or are not involved in any of the, "sorry, but we're from [clan name] playing together :).

Anyway, I give up trying, as I think you should too. Zen, bud, Zen.. :p
I agree with you there Jedi. There is a difference between several players of one faction not attacking each other until the end and what you're mentioning. Here is my last tournament battle:

Us knights did not go after each other until we had to for a couple of reasons: 1. courtesy toward your fellow knight and 2. Faction level resistance. Why would I hit someone from my own faction when I could hit someone else for more damage?

But several people from the same clan fighting together in a manner that's painfully obvious is just wrong and might even be a staged battle.
Yes, I got this one right. Top 4 from same clan! 6/7 now. WoOt! :)

Tournament standing for 3-7 levels:

PS: if someone don't want to share this info - just write here and I will stop to publish it
I won't post a blacklist here.
While if you are smart enough, you could easily figure out who are
suspicious cheater among your levels. Of course we all know that
notorious MC. You could just find one battle list out from one of
them and you can get the list.

My suggestion is, stay away from this tournament when they are on line.
You have no chance to get more than 3 scores.

The second suggestion, wipe those cheaters out first, but most of players
will hard to figure them out and remember their stats. I have my spreadsheet
for them, so I can figure out them from beginning.
It's funny how about 30% of the blindfold tournement participants play tacticaly stupid.
They prefer to keep wasting time and ammo to kill a player that is no longer a threat at all as to move their attention to a somewhat more powerfull player.

The result is that I noticed around 5 players so far that lost 1st place due to this and ended 2th or even 3th.

Pleace start using ur brain cause these battles are sad and pathetic to watch.

It's like a thirst for vengeance overpowers tactical insight and intelligence.

PS: This isn't a whining post based on losing battles. Just annoyed by the lack of thinking.
i see people have winning percentages...how come i cant see mine?
for svc11: Finally something worth! I definitely agree with you. It is very ironic to see how high level people play this game, like they started to play yesterday.

Your claim is also true for other places. Since you can also see people's efficiency, sometimes it is more important to keep high efficiency guys out of the game, rather than finishing one place higher at the end. Kicking one with 90% eff as the first player is worth even you can finish at one place lower.
#276 You need to get at least 3 or 4 tournaments fights done to see your percentages.
I think its to avoid 100% or very high percentages, with only one or two battles won.
They know they can't win alone

Yep, I play as demon.

Though I can't say I'm pleased with three or four clan mates in battle... I can't attack any of them, or they'll all gang on me, so I just have to go along with it.

Personally, I don't think having one ally is a problem. People do it all the time in 4 player EOFO (which is not against the rules)- which I do not like, because then you have 50% of the power. 33% is not a problem, and the pair would not usually win, however, as svc11 posted, they are usually too stupid and end up fighting amongst each other.
they are usually too stupid

By this I mean the other players.
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