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Author | second blinfold battle |
The limit of players from one Military clan in one blindfold group has been relieved.
Rejoice all ye lv 12,13 and 14 :P | I'm not sure it is good decision.
This is not realy blindfold tournament, probably at all levels batles are staged. People from 1 clan (not only military) don't attack themself.
Lots of battles are 3vs1vs1vs1.
imo "blindfold" tournaments should be removed in future. | why we have lot's xp with kill blindfold hero? | Empire:
The limit of players from one Military clan in one blindfold group has been relieved.
Now this is revealed, any level 12-13 player would be crazy to enter any tournament battle again. Risks of ending in a staged battle are just too great. It's like asking to be wiped out by an alliance. My best wishes to people ready to become punching-balls for the greater pleasure of hidden teams :(
Instead of saving blindfold tournament, this decision is just the final nail in the coffin. | Instead of saving blindfold tournament, this decision is just the final nail in the coffin.
Blindfold tournament cannot be saved :-(
Previous rule gave huge advantage to people that were in no battle clan to win at high levels ( since they could easily do 20 fights while battle clan members could not hope for more than 5-6 if their clan had many players ) and this rule now gives huge advantage to teams.
It is a pity that we never get minor tournaments... probably the most fun and most fair tournament style in the game... | Well, I think we all shouldn't complain so much. We have interesting type of tournament, we have some fun, and however the winners will get money probably by unfair way (teaming up via skype), still it's better than nothing ;-) It's interesting just because of all the emotions. I am, too, very angry, when I am killing my neighbour and someone from the opposite corner suddenly attacks me however he's got problems with his neighbour, and causes me to lose against my neighbour or balance it. Then I always let my neghbour kill me and just make sure the sudden attacker from the opposite corner doesn't win ... so it's all about emotions, temporary aliances, surprise attacks, "betrayers" ... it's a show - not a competion that the best will win.
For those who are out soon:
Remember, all players always "hate" (or have motivation to kill) the STRONGEST player. So if they team up against you, they just say "we are weak and fear you, cause you're the strongest here". Don't be worried, you will dominate in duel tournament ;-) | Well spoken. :) | A tournament against the AI, that would be fair for everyone :D no way to cheat :P
Bring on the dwarf war!
(or third survival tournament) | shuher, pacani!!!! [Player banned by moderator Kotrin until 2009-12-06 13:05:24 // Use english on the forum, flooding. Relapse] | Well the 2 man rule was a good one.
Now for lower levels I can't join solo without getting hammered.
I mean 5v1 is just..... LOL. | Agree with BiGBaD, 2 men rule was good one, for lower levels.
But now, I had a figt where 3 players from League of Shadows won. After a rush start they started to cooperate.
This is so cowardly. They are just showing us, that they cant win under normal conditions. | Oh praise god 'Dan Panic' for being such a intelligent being. :)
No seriously it was to be predict that we would have that kind of problems in blindfold tournament. It happened in the first one and yet admins did nothing to fix it. It happened on .ru and still they have held the tournament EXACTLY the same with will give the same result in the end. The winner will be the one with the most friends and clanmates. :)
Fair tournament = Duel and Survival | ^^ Perhaps its the most friends and clanmates tournaments
or just take the fun factor but if dont want to, can just pass it ;)
>>> Fair is foul, and foul is fair: Hover through the fog and filthy air | The winner will be the one with the most.. ..clanmates. :)
Agreed. I just watched 3 tourney fights (very tempted to post the battle links, but I won't) of level 11-12s, and what do you know, the winner AND 2nd place all came from the same clan(!).
Not really a surprised, since from the way the attacks were coordinated, it was obvious who was gonna be the last 2 standing less then halfway through the fights.
A tourney that don't reward the best players, but those who have the most clan friends to coordinate 'staged' fights, speaks volume of a tourney that's officially termed, 'everyone for oneself'.
Just watching those fights fills me with disgust, amongst other feelings that's not suitable to be posted here.
In fact, call it motivation if you want - I'll offer 10,000 gold to any player above level 9, that don't belong to any MC prior to the tourney, who wins this tourney for his/her level. I can tell you this - I'm pretty sure my gold is safe (would be more than thrilled to give that 10k gold away though), coz it ain't gonna happen.
Judging from the many battles I have seen so far, the winners from mid- to high levels should be dominated by one clan.
While my heartfelt gratitude goes out to the admins for taking the time to bring us our first tourney after many barren months, it's really sad to see what's basically an 'everyone for oneself' tourney turned into a clan war. And the winners most probably won't be a reflection of the game's best players, but instead, for the best coordinators and most popular amongst friends from the same clan. | very well spoken, i am not wasting my arts anymore on this tourny. | dunno.. i had so far 3 battles (and three others with my alt)
the first, average, i got indeed several people against me and went out quickly.
The second, we were 2 wizards, 2 necros, 1 DE, 1 elf: with the other wizard, we started playing togheter, got one of the necros out, while the elfs were fightning each other,the little that remained of them, we got out with the help of the other necro.
Then it was between the three of us, and with a little pain we got the Necro out of business.
I lost, because of troops independence, yet i had a fair advantage at some point over the other wizard, and he could have chosen to even things out by attacking me, since the necro was quite out already.
He decided to stand to the silent strategy we had chosen, and at the end we got out of a battle that none of the two could have achieved that far if we had not played togheter.
All in all, it is a matter of trust; if you choose to team with another player, you have the choice to betray him/her as soon as you have an opportunity or else stand by his/her side till the end. Of course, you will, at some point, have to fight, but working togheter might bring you much farther than you can go alone.
In my opinion, the main problem is that too many people try to team with the one that seems stronger, just to wait the right moment to stab him on the back. And since the other guy might be expecting as much, it ends to the one that will betray the first to be the winner of the match. Then, they come to complain that other players might have had a clearer insight of the situation, and decided to honour their silent deal.
In fact, most often, all players start attacking a same one because they fear to be the next if they aim somewhere else.. Not because they know each other.
I don't say that there aren't staged combats, nor that there aren't people getting arrangements on parallels channels (skype was named, among others).
What i say is that i believe this is a part of the participants, and that those who want a chance can just try and trust an unknonwn partner.
It might work.
It did for me.
And now, on with the tournament, i still have to try to fight as demon, DE and elf ^^ | few points of my dissatisfaction:
1) if you are not aggressive for too long, your troops lose their mind
what a stupid rule. if you play any defensive faction, you need to wait or defend until the right moment. actually everyone need to wait for the right moment. this rule can destroy your tactic. and if you play as let's say a demon, you have possible 14 stacks that will start acting like retarded much sooner than any other players stacks.
2) you get to see other players' success rate
what stupid rule. if you're lucky you'll see 18-20 battles where people won't unite against you, if you're in a big clan your clan mates probably won't touch you in the start at least, but if you're not lucky or if you're not in a big clan, you'll see 3-5 of them unite against you until your success rate is low enough and your score is too low to win. this is the rule that separated me from the winner of the 4th blindfold on .ru. i went through his log and i saw that he was lucky enough not to be attacked by 3+ players at once. i wasn't that lucky. i ended up 2nd. his reward 200k, mine 120k.
3) no "2 players" rule.
what a stupid situation. now that this rule is out, some jerks will save their clan mates for the end. when there are 4 players in FFA (it is 4 because this will be easier for me to explain) and 2 know from the start that they won't fight each other until they're the only ones left, but other two have no idea who their first opponent or ally would be, it is very possible that first two will just help the other two to kill each other faster before they are alone to play one against the other. it depends on the setting of those later two that are not in alliance before the game even started. now, imagine the possibilities of 3 players from the same clan in one 6 players battle :(
4) 8 days for 20 2.5-hour battles
this server just isn't ready for blindfold tourney, and some of the rules are really stupid. regardless, i won't play it ONLY because of 8 days for 20 2.5-hour battles idiotic deadline. sorry// | this server just isn't ready for blindfold tourney
Well said, and I dont think we will ever be ready with that low population. Admins should forget that type of tournament and try something new. Should stop copying all from .ru and try to make the .com something different, not just another .ru. | I agree with all of the last comments, I only play one battle:
I was really lucky to don't end the first! As my first battle I have, of course, 0% VP, one of them 85% or so, and two wizards don't attack each other (and they don't have the same clan but they were very coordinated); so:
Not all times the most %VP player are attacked by all (I'd go with my guardins to his gargoiles to find that the "allied mages" attack my guardians!
Very upset, but is a battle anyway, not FFA, of course, veeeery long and if you aren't a wizard you loose; if I can use irony, how well the balanced the factions, specially with that expense mini artifacts that make 70 gargoyles more powerfull than 60 Guardians, well done! ... of course, be realistic, the guardians never reach the gargoyles, no chance at all... : ( | They need to banned ppl who go AFK in tournoments |
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