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Dear Lords!


AuthorDear Lords!
for Joltar:
Not today Lord Joltar, I need a break to take care of some bureaucratic affairs in the security ranks.
But I shall surely accept thy challenge!
Naviron, Lord Arctic' punishment is not proportional to the law he broke. It is common to arrest the servants, not the Lord himself (out of roleplaying: servants ----> multies). This seems to be a conjure, a plot of some evil creatures to destabilize our Empire. and to strike it when it's weaker.
Open your eyes, join us in our struggle for justice and truth! It's not late to change your mind.
Not yet.
To 299: 294 :-)
for Luckas:

Fellow Lord Luckas, Lord Arctic' punishment is not proportional to the law he broke.

Lord Arctic, is currently detained awaiting lawful trial for his misdeeds!

Are you too eager to rebel against Her Highness' order, without even knowing what the penalty to Lord Arctic is? (hint: has anyone written to Secretary??)

I keep leading a petition with Her Highness for considering extenuating circumstances for Lord Arctic, for his indisputable amount of good deeds in the Realm, and the low-gravity of his fault. But not forcing or bending Her Highness hand in any way. Her word on the matter will be final, as final can be!

Open your eyes, join us in our struggle for justice and truth!
I am already in the struggle for justice and truth. Here it is: https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1894254

For order, discipline and national security in the Realm,
Squash the rebellion!!!
for naviron: i actually have communicted with secretary and surprisingly he/she actually replied saying that.
He was blocked by Administration, I cannot lift his block. He is awaiting trial
Then wouldn't it be wiser to do as it says?

He is awaiting trial

I keep leading the petition to consider extenuating circumstances for Lord Arctic.

For order, discipline and national security in the Realm,
Squash the rebellion!!!
We want Arctic free, we just dont want to tear down the gates of the Empire`s prison, because we dont know what kind of horrors dwell within.

Your action deceives your words, Lord Omega.

The Empress has already decreed that the Herald will be set free once a Lord defeat Councilor Feurlis. If your words are indeed true, you would have been on the side of the Alliance, fight and defeat the Councilor, and the Herald will be set free.

Isn't that what you so openly proclaim are your intentions? Or is fighting the Councilor beyond you and strikes fear in your army?

We just want the Herald free. Peacefully, if possible, forcefully, if not.

If fighting and defeating the councilor is what it takes to free the Herald, then our actions shall represent our heart, not mere words.
for naviron:
We want Arctic free!! Where is your justice? Or u dont even have justice?? if no, then die
Lord Arctic, is currently detained awaiting lawful trial for his misdeeds!

for naviron:

Have you eyes but not see? 'Detained', you say? He has been outcast!

Was it not long ago that the Empire wrote -

17. Creating the Detention Block as an isolated game environment with special gaming conditions for rulebreakers.

Where are the special gaming conditions for rulebreakers that he speaketh of? The Herald has been refused access to our land (!) He is not in an isolated game environment that Empire so decreed.

You have been blinded by a sea of untruths by the Empress, Lord Naviron.

The Empress' spell on you is strong indeed..
Yes, yes, your actions show your intentions too, "leader of rebellion". Putting even less experienced lords sacrifice their troops before you yourself raise your sword. :-D

I will be wating in duel chamber if "your actions shall represent your heart, not mere words."

But this all dispute isnt about merely you and me Jedi. Its about order and chaos. Neither side can prosper without the other one. :-) But I think the point of the view of each side doesnt have to be repeated. Enough have been said.

Its time for actions. :-)
for Omega22:

Answer: Fighting you will not free the Herald, will it? Which is YOUR intention, is it not? :)

Enough words.

I shall now lay the weary soles of my army to rest, in preparation for the battle with the Councilor which lies ahead.

I bid my brothers-in-arms farewell, till the sun rises again.
The Empress' spell on you is strong indeed..

...I thought the Empress` was the one under the spell or something?

The whole problem about this story is that it evolves itself around the rumours Lords spread about Arctic`s, Empress` and Councilors` whereabouts and actions by various Lords and their fantasies presented as facts. And we wont know the truth unless Empress or Arctic from his prison make their intentions and state of our Empire clear.

Until then, we will fight to maintain order. Long live the Empire. :-)
Long live the Empire. :-)

Freedom for Arctic.
Maia`s cough is becoming serious. Perhaps he is suffering from the same illness as our Empress? Need a cure mate? :-)
The truth at last.


Most noble Lords and Ladies, please take note of the above thread and govern yourselves accordingly.

The best truths can be presented in fiction.
whoa, whoa, whoa. Is this THE Councilor Feurlis?!

I did not know he was social! Warn me of this stuff guys, sheesh!
Nice job catching up Chance :)
Hmm..... it seems the Rebels and "Empress Supportees" are starting to come to a similar theory:

The Councilors (or maybe just Feurlis) poisened the Empress.

The Councilors (or maybe just Feurlis) are using her sickness to "control" her.

The Councilors (or maybe just Feurlis) had her imprison Arctic in order to give them a clear path to overthrow the Empress.


We must join together, all of us: naviron, Jedi-Knight, Maia, Omega22, and the rest of the Rebels and anti-Rebels, and overthrow Feurlis, free Arctic, and get the Empress back in control!

We MUST work together, as a true Empire! It is the only way to bring order back! We have been tricked and decieved into turning against eachother, but we must put aside our differences, atleast this once, for the Greater Good!

(I have even changed my signature accordingly)

Free Arctic! Bring the power back to the Empress! Defeat Feurlis! Bring order back to the Empire!
to Empire:
to Sir Councilor Bilir:

Your Highness Mighty Empress,
Your Most Honorable sir Councilor Bilir,

I, naviron, most humble and unworthy lord of wizards, colonel in the counter-revolutionary force, preserving order and discipline in the Realm, offer:

* my very last drop of mana,
* the very last claws of my gargoyles and
* every minute of my know-how gremmies (i.e., gremmlin engeneers)

to help and speed up the devising of a cure for Her Highness' illness (that only when I am off-duty, of course).

Loyal to the core, steady as a mountain!
For order, discipline and national security in the Realm,
Glory to the Empire! Squash the rebellion!!!

Don't you see that you're just working to prolong the illness of Our Empress? She has been driven to insanity by the person you're protecting. Councilor Fuerlis has used old venomancer spells, or poisons to control Our Empress as a puppet. We have clearly seen her red veined eyes and insane grin on her face. Don't you think it's strange that we didn't find a potion to heal our Empress when we defeated the venomancers? Venomancers, Necromancers, all the same. Remember what happened to that dwarf general when your beloved councilor "interrogated" him. Do you wish that same fate to Lord Arctic?

We need to defeat Councilor Feurlis and free Arctic so he can tell us the truth, before it's too late. I know you might think that you're doing the right thing, but I assure you that it will only lead to the death of our Empress, and probably our whole Empire!
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