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AuthorDear Lords!
@Councilor Feurlis

Given the fact you are the one enforcing Lord Arctics imprisonment, i suppose it is no secret anymore that you are the one responsible for our Empresses "unnatural evil grins". Enough said about who is treacherous amidst our ranks.

@Colonel naviron

Of course i will fight you. You mistake Loyalty for blinded servility (wich will do just fine for serving Councilor Feurlis, who is accustomed to commanding zombies). I guess our Empresses (mental) health means nothing to you, for as long as you have someone commanding your moves, whom ever he may be. I hope you sell your Scroll of Energy for a high price. At least that would make you a good sold-out mercenary, which is the highest reputation you should get.
Another valiant rebel Lord SlayerOfNoobs. Congratz for his courage!

for syrian:
I accept your challenge.
Thus I accept my first challenge, in defence of our Empire. Blessed be the swords of my warriors.
Lords and Ladies, please, dont hesitate to fight Naviron if you think you are of same level, and beat the hell down on him. Ill provide any piece of equipment needed to make him lose the battle against thou.
I sent a messenger to set up a duel against Naviron, but I am still awaiting for his reply.
Is there any valiant colonel in your rank to fight against me ?
Concede. Admit defeat, the Empire does not wish to spill more of its warriors' blood than is necessary. Your forces have fought bravely and the Empress values bravery. The Empress also values loyalty. It is never too late to pick the right side to fight for.

We await your allegiance.
Lord Slust, my mana is not full! You are very impatient and ready to jump to conclusions.
for naviron:

Stay Roleplay, stop flooding please.
[Player banned by moderator cantbstopped until 2010-12-16 21:22:25 // Flooding in GGF (you were warned)]
for Dizbe:

I challenge you, Lord Dizbe, you seem like to be a vorthy opponent, maybe a little slick and weak to me compare to any other living creatures, but its been ages that I havent seen one near my castle. So I might be wrong on your status.
for Dan-Panic:
Lord Dan-Panic, you have challenged both me and colonel Dizbe.

We are happy to take on your challenge. Meet us on the battlefield.
I've got a duel up for any of the "Counter-Revolution" Lords, It doesn't matter what level you are.
Omega fought bravely, but he cannot stop rebel forces.


My forces fought and lost bravely against the experienced warrior Maia. But we both must recruit our forces, rest our minds and heal our wounds before we can fight again. He will not be able to challenge councilor Feurlis for quite some time. :-D
for Slust:
I can take your challenge now, Lord Slust!
For Omega:
My troops are ready again, but your lord Feurlis isnt here :D
"When the time is right, Maia." One lord at a time, one lord at a time, my friend. :-)
Please fight this enemy, because I need my old character back! I hope you can free me too
Dear Councilor Feurlis,

Im too young and fragile to fight with you, so all I can do is beg you to please FREE my beloved Lord Arctic.

If you choose not to do so then please put me in jail too so I could be close to him.
"When the time is right, Maia." One lord at a time, one lord at a time, my friend. :-)

Oh, what a delight to control the Empresses mind and to make your own rules... because you do know you would have no chance against all of us at once, all of us fighting to release our Empress from the mind-controlling forces that surround Her.

Against Feurlis and his minions, for Arctic and our Empress, we shall prevail!
Thanks to Lord Slust for an interesting battle.


For order and discipline in the Realm,
Squash the rebellion!!!
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