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Dungeon Caves


AuthorDungeon Caves
so I am now above the 15k threshold so earning potions and aim is to maximising score. Seemingly it is more efficient to go for silver rather than new troops and use it to upgrade. In this fashion I still have orcs and bowmen to upgrade requiring 600,000 and 224000 silver respectively.

I have 84,000 silver on hand and 21 battles left to fight. This would mean I need to average 35k silver per battle, which is more than I can do without taking losses.

My quandry is that if I upgraded orcs I could win a higher battle without loss. However would likely not get enough to upgrade bowmen. If I saved to upgrade bowmen, then my army will stay static for a long time and not increase the size of army I can beat.

So my question is, how much do people find their army increases if they find a new creature which they have not got before (and hence at the highest recruit amount they will get). Is it equivalent to one 50th of the silver they can earn?
how much do people find their army increases if they find a new creature which they have not got before

Not very much, a few hundred points or so
well 30k of silver gives 600 points of strength at 50 silver per point (which I believe is the current rate). As such it would seem like going for just silver is the right play at the moment.
i wish i wasnt disabled and didnt think 60 battles in this event :D
Yeah, def silver is better, ended up having to get gargs due to running out of searches, and army strength is increased by much less than what silver upgrade would do.
for Lord MilesTeg:
i thought there is 6 days so 60 battles total. rip me
why is that the end of you though? Sure you may have aimed to peak at the wrong time, but I cannot imagine you've mucked it up completely.

I lost 2 early on yet still am competing at a decent point, not over till its over.
for Lord MilesTeg:

You could always try moving orcs and bowmen into enemy range to be killed, reducing the total number in the stack and consequently the amount of silver required to upgrade. It would be much better to upgrade less bowmen than have 30 or 40k of silver from being able to upgrade them all.
I lost 2 early on yet still am competing at a decent point, not over till its over.

Its better to lose early then it is to lose late
Its better to lose early then it is to lose late
I don't see how. If you lose early, you have lesser army , so you fight weaker enemies, and get lesser troops.
I think apart from the psychological component to it, it makes no difference "when" you lose.
It makes every difference, you lose at the start and you lose 20-30 power. You lose now and you will lose 300+ power
If you lose 20-30 power at the beginning, you'll accumulate less power every subsequent battle, which will equate to that 300 by the end of the event.
More precisely, I view win as going taking score from x to ax, while loss gets you to bx, where a>1, and b<1.
UNder these strange assumptions, final score is just 300 * a^n * b^(80-n).
Doesn't matter when you lose.
One of our number got top 3 in the last one of these with one loss, so you can still do very well without a perfect record.

for The One Ring:
I think the assumption you make while good in theory does not fully fit with this event. While at the very start when you are building your army it is true, however later on when it is built and you are farming it is mostly down to your selection of what you face. However, if you do lose here you cannot efficiently regain your army since they will have been upgraded and so you will only find the same troop in smaller numbers. As such your weaker army is hard to bypass, in a way that in the early game you can side step around.

Ultimately however I think we can all agree that losing makes it harder, how much and when, well that's gonna be tricky to agree on.
As we have worked out, best to go for silver, so long as you have a target for it. So which troops should you look for (outside just looking at the army you will face for beat-ability). In this best to go for troops with an upgrade that can do spells. I just found 30 monks which need 279k to upgrade. As such one find of creatures can give a good 9-10 searches of silver, thus keeping you efficient (score wise).

I am hoping for a score of around 27k in the end, which last time around was around 50th, though I would expect the scores this time to be higher with poeple being mroe experienced with how to play it.
Total army strength: 16,786
Victories / Combats: 69 / 70

Silver available: 94,156
Silver gained: 799,022

i suppose i could get like 350k silver how much score would it give?
350000/50=7000 more score giving a total of about 23500
What are peoples best selections and value for gold/ease of picking up a lot of troops.

Of those in my army I would definately try to get the following next time

rogues - termagants/shrews
Cyclops - cyclops shamans(blind is great)
magi-either really depending upon silver available
bowmen - probably only upgrade at the very end sometimes given the numbers you can get( I like the volley ability for clearing up smaller stacks while still damaging others)

Of those that others have I think harpooners look good and seemingly you can find a lot, though can imagine with only 2 shots they are limited in the early game unless you can upgrade quickly (no idea of cost)

Succubi - mistresses look good and again good a ensuring small left over stacks are cleared without wasting shots.

Not sure what I would do with the last stack, I think probably better with commanders to get bully. While probably a similar damage out put early on when gaining control of the shooters it would take less raids to get a viable stack than an equivalent shooter, and therefore less vulnerable to losses.

What are other peoples preferences?
for Lord MilesTeg:
spearmen - harpooners(insane damage for value +good stacks)
gremlins,goblins arch, skeleton bows
e bows
My mistake was upgrading to termagrants (I wanted 8 speed and no retal faster)
That extra damage and 2 ini would have made so much diffirence in my battles and army strength. Also wish I hadnt lose those 4 battles

Total army strength: 20,507
Victories / Combats: 76 / 80

Silver available: 8,412
Silver gained: 981,894\

Hopefully I can stay in top 200 :)
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.
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