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AuthorI can't stand it anymore - we need lists!!!
Here is my last battle:


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No AFKers (well, let's say players on my side played once in a while) but I've rarely met people playing so bad. Barbarian afraid to attack, everybody waits while the only shooters are on the other side, people not even attempting to shoot elven bowmen, people not even paying attention when I try to induce very elementary tactics (eg: move your swordsmen because, hey, they are slow...)
What a pain.

I'M SO FED UP with people playing SO BAD!!

I could understand it when playing against beginners. But at level 5?? I don't get it. You may lose because you don't have luck at the right moment, or the enemy has better artifacts, or because you suffered from a critical. But some people play so bad they can only lose. They deserve it. I just can't understand how they possibly achieved level 5 - you can't reach that just through hunting.

The problem is that people in their team lose, too.

I'd really like the ability to list people, some kind of reminder just before you join a battle on the wrong side. Player XDFG - good. Player RTGD - bad, very bad indeed. Your own personal like/dislike list.

I'm so fed up of wasting health, mana, time and durability for nothing.

///moved to I&S///
that happens when people dont follow the battle and just attack random when is their turn
It would be great to be able to rate people you have been gaming with in a battle (either team), like 1 star to 5 stars, and to have these settings shown in duel and battle selection, so you won't fall again for the same lame players.
I agree, something like

name [level] (*) icon

where * is either a number, stars, or even a short tag (maybe 15 characters max) that is defined by the viewer would be great. I wouldn't expect it to have any programmed use, just display is for the viewer.
How about just adding a + or - after the nick on each player after combat you can then vote on all the players that was in the battle. You hit the + if you think they played good and - if you think they played bad then before you join the battle there would be an indicator indicating if the player has a positive score or a negative score from the votes of others. only problem there is the 14 year old idiots that will vote negatively on the players that beat them =\
if someone played bad just add him to your blacklist
Kotrin, a great idea!

That blacklist should also work in hunting:
1) people from blacklisk can't join you in hunting
2) you should be warned when you will try to join someone from blacklist
I know the problem as well, I would just recommend to duel 1vs1 and only ask friends or guild members for assists. That way you avoid such problems.
A ladder will cancel it:
Too many plusses and minuses already. Stars would be nice. So would a comment field just for you to see.

Even better would be a social system where people could rank a player 1-5 stars based on different criteria like how well they played, did they use bad language, were they sportsmanlike, were they attentive, that kind of thing.

It would help dissuade people from acting this way because people wouldn't want to play with them.
You shound give bad credit to afkers. Some people have reasons even more now since the server lags so much.
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