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AuthorComment on Elf Talent - Rain of Arrow
wrong rain of talents increases if you are going to wield more + attack items and ... rain of arrows gain +30% damage :)
No high level elves use rain of arrows - that should speak for itself.
19. demon_chick

imo Elves weaknesses are as follows (not necessarily in order)

Units have low HP
Racial bonus of 3% initiative

Some will say "initiative is good, you get more turns!"
But the reality is...
1st turn initiative is completely random within 10%, so it's pure luck if elf ranged get to go before others.
Initiative is overrated, because those "extra turns" don't even begin to kick into effective use until at least turn 5+ or even turn 9.

So the racial bonus of elves coupled with low hp units and being primary target of any other ranged/magic units are elf weaknesses imo.

so, who tell you the higher initiative = more turns? i thought it was morale can give you bonus turn?

higher initiative means the stack will get the 1st move before other. elf always get 1st move in battlefield. random will apply only if more than 1 elf in battlefield.

'So the racial bonus of elves coupled with low hp units and being primary target of any other ranged/magic units are elf weaknesses imo.'

beside griffin , i dont REALLY see any other units can move before elven bowmen and druid for now; griffin cant even get near even it move faster.
Orcs have 11 initiative, so they should move before the elves.

For a very descriptive information about initiative, please read http://www.heroeswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1832909

The initial +3% initiative of the elves are in my oppinion quite equal to having +1 in any other parameter...
100% incorrect, and at level 5 you really should know better!
Higher initiative results in more turns over time.
Try reading the post referenced by 25.

Orcs don't necessarily move before elves.
Even if elf has 10.7 initiative, thanks to the 0%-10% random starting point, the elf can go first.

As for the 3% initiative equalling +1 in any other parameter, I would gladly swap that 3% for AN other +1 parameter.
3% initiative means a creature with 10 initiative is modified to 10.3, or 10.7 modifies to 11... the bonus is pretty useless really as the "extra" turns don't even take effect for many rounds, by which time the vast majority (if not all) of the elf creatures are long dead.
Can't erdit posts, so I will double-post (again)

in 26. "AN" should read "ANY"

Also, regarding the initiave stuff, it may well change at later levels, but they are months and months away yet!

more turn over time only if the battle was drag long.

before that, initiative affect who get the 1st move in 1 turn at most of time.

anyway, the topic was discuss on the rain of arrow. dont run to other topic please.
well, i prefer to use additional +1 to luck. Rain of arrow - good talent, but +1 to luck more usefull.
Rain of arrow usefull when on battlefield at last 1 unit of favorit enemy. But after killing all of them, i last ability to use this talent. And luck i can use all time.

+3% initiative dont give me first tern. And dont give more terns over the battle because battle is not so long.
Another point - low hp of elf's units. bowmens die on 1-2 tern, sprites die on first focus. Left only druids and they can cast only 2 lightning.
I knew why all so afraid elfs... all dont like their first burst damadge. But what can to do elf after this burst?
about the rain of arrow i`ve learned but i can`t use it
But what can to do elf after this burst?
After elf's burst there is nothing alive on a battlefield
if there are some units on battlefield and some of them in yours favorite enemy then you can open your spelbook (on tern of your hero) and there will be that ability.
But... if there are not favorite enemyes on battlefield you still can use that ability. But then it do nothing, just spend off tern of hero.
this is only your opinion. There are many troops on battlefields left. And often they win.
well, thanks to rain of arrow, I now use an army without rogues,

thou i must say, this one has beaten every elf sofar (to many hitpoints for that first burst indeed, so I think i will try to stay away from rogues for now (not for hunts of course, then speed kills, or lack of speed kills you)
druids have double hp of magi, this isnt exactly low; and after they cast stoneskin on bowmen i cant even scratch them, if i have the chance to attack them: when my bowmen get their turn they are nearly all dead for the attack of druids and bowmen if they arent split, otherwise for rain of arrow (and here we are again with this overpowered talent) its true that after waste mana druids dont deal much damage but still they do a meat wall on bowmen and for the time that i reach them i'm nearly dead for the direct hit.

ps: notice that everyone that say elves arent so strong are elves themself: what a funny coincidence -_-

I agree lol, I mean if elves r not really overpowered y r there so many of them? and who cares if their ranged units have less hp? all ranged units have very little hp, but theirs is the only one with double shot >.> as for their melee units..well the keepers are T2 units what do u expect? 30hp?
magi has less hp - yes, but they has also 15 mana (not 12 as druids) and speciall shoot - through all and without penalty for distance. And they del little more damadge by magic punch if they in stack. for example - 2 druids deal 29 dmg by lightning and 2 magi deal 32 damadge by magic punch.
Bowmens of knightts not have 2 doble shoots? But you can recruit them not 12 on lvl 5 - much more. Orcs has 11 init and much more then 12 to and have more hp, def and dont have penalty in mili.
Why so many elfs? because all like fast units - its time on hunts and it more exp in battles, because first burst of elf = damadge of other faction in 1/2 of battle.
If used correctly, rain of arrow could do insano dmg.

in most game, splitted arrows usually with less damage on multi target, BUT with an overall damage more than one single shot to make it fair.
but still i own you in that battle dracon :P

through shot can damage even allies, and usually magi dont live enough to waste all mana and use it; and i dont think that 3 damage can change the tide of a battle :)
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