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AuthorLaborer's guild
what r they for??

i thought they were for the work at mines and factory v do,but i've laborer's guild @ 1,

but no affect is on my wage and salary..
is it normal??
or there is another meaning of it???
The salary, which you see on factories doesn't change. but you receive salary*coefficient:
I don't understand the point system for this guild. I receive them for work, right? But how many and for which jobs? Is there a difference at all?

Does anybody know how it works???
for every workshift ye get 1 point, no matter on a farm, in the hauberk factory or where else.

the effect is a modifier on your wages and on the ammount of work done
(on labor lvl 3, ye get 2x the wage, but also do work for 2 hours insteasd of 1 on lvl 0 (in 1 workshift of 1 hour).

added bonus is some defence upgrades
but also do work for 2 hours insteasd of 1

Not exactly. No matter your Workers' Guild level, you enroll only for one hour. But if you have a higher guild level, your wage and productivity are higher. At level 3 for example, you have twice the salary and twice the production of a level 0 worker.

Most people don't care about the productivity, but it has an effect on the output of the factory.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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