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Also, those undeads pop up when you just stay there. I had to fight against little army of necromancers by myself (for lv6 it was like 8 dark knights and 80 skeleton bowmen).
NOTE: On 1v1 they didn't raise anything in the end.

how much FSP and EXP?
for Pupek:
Also, those undeads pop up when you just stay there
today they attacked me too
easy fight

PS: tactics guld set
Ancient tomb

Rapid and coordinated attack the heroes of the Empire was coming to a logical denouement. Oryady warriors and magicians , slowly but surely destroying the insurgent undead , including mummies, this undead resurrection . In a small traveling tent was organized field headquarters of the operation , commanders now have gathered here the majority of troops and the governor grams with a court magician Abu Bakr . Fireplace invasion of the dead was localized , now the imperial troops searched and finished off the survivors of single enemies. But to return to the capital with a victory was still early. All of us gathered at the headquarters listened to the Lord's Side , an experienced hunter and a veteran of several wars :
- We just destroyed a large group of death knights and wanted to move on , but we alerted the behavior of the enemy . Typically, they tried every possible way not to let us to the cemetery , but these seemed to want to break . This is so surprised that we decided to go in the direction where the enemy so eager ...
- And what you've found ? - impatiently asked grams.
- We have found another tomb ... He was not masked , but badly damaged by time . And yet - it is sealed , so that we were unable to penetrate far into the ...
- This information is an urgent need to classify ! - Side interrupted Sir Abu Bakr . - These crypts are dangerous , we all better stay away from them !
- Crypt of course dangerous, but not you easily opened and emptied the previous two ? - began in a calm voice grams. - Our heroes have already proven that they can quickly deal with their inhabitants . If you act wisely , we can open this vault to inspect it and seal even more reliably than is now.
- Nonsense ! - Abu Bakr even hit the table with his hand in an iron glove . - The new vault is sealed , and the past only been hidden . We do not know what was inside . We do not know what we may encounter. We should not do that ! It is better to leave and forget about all these crypts ! Should I remind you , as just yesterday , I have saved you from a fatal blow death knight ?
- No , I think that now the risk is minimal ... - Grammy looked around at everyone. - And what 's inside , we already know , or rather , can assume the same artifacts, artifacts, good , beautiful. You have seen how the new ammunition sitting of the vaults of our hero? Beauty , and excellent quality ! Well , since we have so much diverged from the views of the court magician , will propose to resolve this issue heroes . I think it would be fair if our brave soldiers themselves decide how to proceed . Abu Bakr , what do you say ?
- I agree with the choice of heroes ! But before the final decision will be made , I forbid disclosing the location of the new crypt ! And do not forget to mention that having opened the crypt, you can issue a disaster.
- Well, I ask all officers to bring to your troops this news . We will wait for their decision and proceed in accordance with it.
And a poll along with this:

During the cleaning of the cemetery from the undead have discovered a new tomb. Are you ready to visit a dangerous discovery ?

-->Yes , you need to open the vault and investigate it .
-->No need to seal a dangerous thing.
So far:
Yes: 13717 (87%)
No: 2005 (13%)

I voted 'yes', just for the hack of it... I'm just wondering, what would happen??? Would the world end? ...the .ru world of course ;-)
I'm just wondering, what would happen???

.ru would get a new event and we'd be cursing them here.

Let us rather hope for a cataclysmic death wave that would obliterate the whole .ru world. yes yes yes!!!...
.ru would get a new event and we'd be cursing them here.
or you can join .ru and enjoy events...

Yes: 13717 (87%)
No: 2005 (13%)

23766 (87%)
3438 (13%)
Yes: 13717 (87%)
No: 2005 (13%)
23766 (87%)
3438 (13%)

30952 (87%)
4523 (13%)
What is the red writtings, under the equivalent of the battle drop down menu? Is it the ranking for the event of the war against undeads?
the war against undeads
when dwarves gonna release in .ru ??
in autumn
when dwarves gonna release in .ru ?? - never
yes 61,144 (88%)
no 8013 (12%)

I voted no...fat load of good it did -_-
Gram and Abu Bakr heard the latest report on the results of the survey. Heroes were determined, and the desire to open the vault outweighed the feeling of caution. Wasting no time, the forces of the Empire moved to the vault, surrounded him and prepared for any eventuality. Abu Bakr went inside and proceeded to lift the protective spells, he was accompanied by the governor and a small detachment of imperial guards. Unprotect goes smoothly, his eyes opened a huge hall of heroes, entangled in a spider's web, but this time in the crypt was a sarcophagus, or any objects. Surprised by the magician began to examine virtually empty room. Voivod Grammy and was a bit taken aback and went into the far corner. Midway, he noticed a small lever and, without hesitation, pulled him over. The whole room shook, the ceiling rained dust and small debris, a wall with a strong squeak slid to the left.
- Here stash - called the other governor.
At this point the floor of the hall began its downward spiral. Once down, the soldiers of inertia fell to the floor. Not having time to properly recover from the shock of the fall, all found that the room seemed to come alive. On all sides stretched scenting prey undead.
- It's a trap! To arms!
Battle began. The court magician, who had to fend off the enemy, tried several times to read the spell of teleportation, but arriving undead would not let him concentrate.
- Cover the magician! - Ordered grams, and the men quickly closed the ring around his mighty shield Abu Bakr. This gave him the opportunity to meet and read a spell - trapped in a squad was again out of the crypt.

Heroes welcomed newly listed comrades. The questions began, all spoiling for a fight.
- The main store is empty, but we found a hiding place, guarded by a large accumulation of undead, attacking suddenly and from all sides. - Sighed Abu Bakr.
- Heroes, imprisoned in the crypt of the undead and protect their treasures. Here is what I ripped from his neck dark rider. - Grammy, took and lifted up the key with the image of the skeleton. - This will allow us to open the cache and the treasure! Next, the characters, but will arrive with us strength!

Empire invites all the characters from the third level military to take part in the capture of an ancient crypt. Applications are formed in all parts of bordering lands of the Kingdom. For the victory in the battle heroes get one of the 7 keys necessary for opening the caches. Heroes of the survivors of the battle will go into a room with caches and use keys. In addition to a good amount of points of skills and a small amount of gold, winning in battle heroes have a chance to raise the battlefield one of the stores of artifacts or an element of a guild of mercenaries. All found in the recesses of treasures and artifacts will be added to the store.
so for the people that are too lazy to read it :P whats does this mean exactly? lmao
to 2178
you fight in the middle with 2 row for deployment and distance 7 from first row enemy (unded cavalery speed 7)
In vanguards of max 3

When a fixed (?) percent of enemy is dead there is a second wave (beawere of mummy and mummy upgrade they can raise dead).

If you win you get a key for 1 of the 6 vault.

When enought keys are used (by all players not just you) the vault open.
Vault sould contain new arts that go directly to the shop.
how to place keys into locks???
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