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I got a problem with playing the survival tournament on .ru

After I entered the battlefield and arranged my troops, I saw 5 bowmen show up in the initiative bar, but not on the batttlefield. I can't attack (no target) or move my troops anywhere. The timer didn't show up too. I was like frozen there.

I tried refresh in my firefox, and also with IE, still the same. Then I re-log in with my firefox, I saw bowmen now, and able to kill them. I thought the problem solved.

However, it's just the start. 8 zomb show up in the init bar but not the battlefiled, and I can't move again....

Can anyone help me?

The battle link:
I find out this:

I have to wait about 4 min, until 1 of my troop or hero waits once, then refresh the window. After the wait, I can fight as normal.

But when a new wave comes up, I have to wait 4 min for 1 wait again...

It just annoying.

Anyone know the reason behind it or a solution?
for binghuo:
I have encountered that before on a system in a internet cafe. I think it's some other program in the background affecting the Flash process or something.
Update: 19/10

Have you ever been in a restaurant? No, not in the Metropolitan Inn, where beautiful Elves bring excellent ale quickly, where fried fish appear on your table instantly as if by magic, where the walls are lined with military trophies and awards and the cards are always new and crisp. All these in a normal middle class tavern, somewhere out in the outskirts of the land? Today we'll talk about one of these at the outskirts of the Sunny City, where there are eternal mixing of two types of strange personalities: job-seekers, and who can offer it to the former. It is rumored that the greedy representatives of the Union of Traders are looking for a hero, yes, a standard hero in a tavern, for some building work. Apparently, they do not know the imperial saying that miser pays twice, but the fact remains.

A real hero should try everything, and if you are not adverse to a job of real work and don't dislike bad ale, there is a job for you, a new text adventure


The Quest is available for all players. The reward is 1000 gold.

You are kindly requested not to publish the full walkthrough of quests in the forums, and do not post links to sites with similar information. All these topics will be deleted when found. You are allowed to give advice on certain tasks though.

Please note that the new quest is not like previous ones, you have to work out a strategy for victory.
You are kindly requested not to publish the full walkthrough of quests in the forums, and do not post links to sites with similar information. All these topics will be deleted when found. You are allowed to give advice on certain tasks though.

When are you posting the walkthrough =P
Wow theres more happening in the .ru thread than on the whole of .com
Wow theres more happening in the .ru thread than on the whole of .com

The reason is simple: more things happened on the .ru server in the past three weeks than on our server in a whole year.

Note: This is not a 'When do we get updates?' whining post. In fact I'd rather they never implemented some recent .ru changes here (like 4x10% enchants cost 120 elements instead of 40, total destruction of ambushes...).
I was only stating the obvious.
Announcement 21/10
Noble Heroes!
Today we declare the winners of the 8th Minor tournament. Thanks to the ideas and suggestions of the players, we were able to correctly identify the second and third places, and the characters have received their deserved reward of gold. The second place 30%, for the third 20%, and the prize for first place is 50% of the gold collected.

Results table for the 8th minor tournament is available here:

We also wish to remind you that this week there is a new Survival tournament! You have 7 attempts and your best result will be compared to the heroes of your level and faction. Take part in the tournament here:
8th Minor tournament
this week there is a new Survival tournament!

..sort of funny, dont you think? :-)

Thanks for the translations Takesisters. Whiners, power up your engines.
8th Minor tournament

...followed by the 17th survival tournament...

Funny indeed4 :))
Why whine, when we save so much gold in arts by not participating in events like that? :P
Can someone provide the new information regarding mini-arts? As in the max stat increase and corresponding faction level.
I have encountered that before on a system in a internet cafe. I think it's some other program in the background affecting the Flash process or something.

Thx, Takesister!

I am not sure which program did that, but I never meet this problem on other battles on either of .ru and .com. Also, our 2 survival tournaments on .com works no problem for me.

Anyway, I give it another try right now, but the same problem comes up again. I guess I have to give it up, no that much time to wait in a single battle. :(
new events!
What kind of events? Could you please elaborate a little more please?
Just try play at .ru
there are lag -.-
This is the event, we're smashing the rocks to clear a tunnel between the east and west of the empire:

1 Short way to the new region
2 new netral mobs
3 new artefacts
4 The way will open only after players clear the tunnel
it seems, .ru have 1 news per day
beastkiller's set
http://www.heroeswm.ru/art_info.php?id=sh_sword +20% damage in melee fight!!
http://www.heroeswm.ru/art_info.php?id=sh_spear +10 attack O_O
SH = super hunter?
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