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Can't wait for them here... But we still didn't get any dwarf war. By the way, maybe the creatures are easier to be implemented than the war? Or the creatures come as an effect to the war?
Could anyone please post a link to a combat with the new altgrades?
for Magier:
howcom 9lv demon can recruit >79 inces in ru server?
I'm sorry was searching the forums but couldn't find any links related to the abilities of upgraded tier 6 creatures. Anyone can refer me to a post or link? Tyvm
for jemlowjw


The abilities are listed here: https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=32
howcom 9lv demon can recruit >79 inces in ru server?

For War several perks are available . One of them increases you army size by % .
Wow, and what are the other perks? Is there a page where we can see them?
Wow, and what are the other perks? Is there a page where we can see them?
It's in the character page

Damage to the war:0% 1 in 30 BC.
Armor at War:0% 1 in 25 BC.
Initiative in the war:+1% +1 in 29 BC.
The number on the war:0% 1 in 27 BC.
Loot the day on the war:+0 +1 for 1200 BC.
Well, I have a level 1 character on .ru, but there i can't see anything like this :S What is BC? And what does "loot the day on the war" means?
for Spellblaster:
You can see this from level 5 onwards , when you become eligible to fight for the empire .

BC are points we get from fighting .

"loot the day on the war"
Is a wrong translation . There is a limit on battles ( only 5 battles per day ) , with 1200 bc one can increase no of battle limit to 6 ..
Clasping his hands behind his back, gram nervously paced circles in his tent. On his desk lay the scrolls of maps and figures of the troops, schematically depicting the state of affairs on the battlefield. Every now and then, in passing, the governor for a few minutes died away over the map, made her some notes and thought continued to walk around the table. His thinking was interrupted voice guard, timidly breeches head in the door tent. Apparently, the profit news from the front of hostilities. Grammy immediately went to meet the messenger. It was a simple soldier of the Empire, in dirty places and damaged armor. Despite the tired and weary eyes, his face seemed guest voivod friends. Helping to descend from his horse, grams found in the messenger of the former Imperial guard gate - Rotvalda. Martial law is put under arms nearly all the workable population of the Empire, including the courtly guard and retired soldiers, published earlier on holiday ..

Story Rotvalda confirmed the worst fears Grammita - in addition to continuing sabotage of traitors in the rear of the Imperial troops, the Kingdom has intensified its onslaught by introducing new units into battle. Voivod himself previously noticed strange men in the ranks of the Kingdom, and now Rotvald complete the picture information of new enemy's strength.


Forest Keeper

Alt up's
With MArksmen, Knights will rule... No range penalty :D Nice :D

Also, I like elemental gargs, too. +1 damage, might wizards will appreciate it. Magic wizzy also could have it's use, by sending them next to spell targeted stacks :) Only problem is -4 Hp. And the wind dancers.. :) Elves with tactics now have 2 units to cross the field, and windies get a +14 defense bonus for that :D (If it is the way in HOMM was :D )
i wonder when other races will get their units...
well, wiz knight and elf are the 'good' factions. That 'The Kingdom' I think has only good factions on its side (not playing on .ru, tell me if i'm wrong)
so maybe these will get their alt upg-s first :)
seems elemental gargs rocks....2-3 dam, much better than egg for mighty wiz...
Whats the ability of crossbows upgrade.?
no range penalty i think...
@ Everyone saying New Gargs rule...They dont

Lets look at there abilities xD

This creature can move on to any free tile on the battlefield during its turn, regardless of the obstacles in the way..

Aura of Fire Vulnerability
This creature suffers increased damage from Fire-based spells; this effect is extended to all neighboring stacks, including friendly ones. Damage suffered is increased by 50%..

Aura of Ice Vulnerability
This creature suffers increased damage from Ice-based spells; this effect is extended to all neighboring stacks, including friendly ones. Damage suffered is increased by 50%..

Aura of Lightning Vulnerability
This creature suffers increased damage from lighting-based spells; this effect is extended to all neighboring stacks, including friendly ones.Damage suffered is increased by 50%..

This creature's Attack increases during combat when any stack of friendly units dies (except resurrected creatures or creatures summoned on battlefield by magic).The increase is proportional to the killed stack relative power in the army..

This creature is not alive and cannot be affected by Poison-, Blind- or Mind-related magic. Nor can it be resurrected or healed with First Aid Tent..

**Upgraded Xbows**
No Range Penatly
Shooter has no penalty for damage inflicted during ranged attack, provided the range is over half the arena..

**Upgraded Forest Keepers**
Up to the next turn, this creature gains a +2 Defense bonus for every tile it walks.For its first turn in combat, the creature's Defense is increased as if it had walked its full movement range..
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