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Authorelves faction topic
hi, all brave elf lords!

ALL INFORM of 'castle' and 'talent' for


For elves focus to Attack, Init and Morale I think that will be better .. i fu try to focus to Defence, ur Defence will never be more than Knights ...
1st: Luck is better, since it's cheaper then morale.

2nd: i fu try to focus to Defence ur Defence will never be more than Knights ...
didn't you advice on previous page to increase defence?

You post an awful lot, but you know little to nothing about different factions. Pfft...
Could someone point me towards some people who are great at elves so i can watch their strategies, and does anyone have any tips for how to beat demons at level 3?(I HATE THEM)
Great lvl3 elves? Dunno... Try checking the winners of 1st minor tournament on lvl 3. Look through their combat logs, I'm sure you'll find something useful
in duel vs demon at lv3/4,
split ur fk by 6-6-6(covering bowmen)-2(substitude/take retal)
and 1 faeri
just hit the real wolf, and the gated wolf. but ignore gated demon

im pretty sure demon will not able to break the 6 FKs wall, and ended in elven bowmen ranged atk

i have an experience about this :P defeated by elf at lv 3/4
24: I check the top warriors or hunters list and look for elves and then go through some of their really old combat logs to find combats at my level and get some idea of their tactics...

sometimes even the craziest tactic may work although I would not recomend this one I was froliking about and only got lucky:
to all Elven folk.

At level 5 what is your favourite unit combination?

Up untill level 4 I found it easy against other factions but now most of them have Large Units AND Ranged units which eniolates much of the elvish adbvantage.....I have come to believe that I need to upgrade my fairies to Sprites if i stand any chance to better my pvp

your views???
I'd say that in general forest keepers are better than sprites to use in pvp, mostly because sprites ability won't really work nicely vs a smart opponent. Sprites are amazing in PvM though, usually better to use them as melee firepower at level 5 instead of FKs.
@26 thanks, i tried it out and this is how i'm doing it https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=472814943 i hope thats good.

@27 i just tried that and they're all people who ONLY hunt =( (atleast all the ones i clicked....) so that didn't really work
well elfs are ok...they are the best at 1on1's but on 3on3 they are not really so useful except being a distraction and in a way thats a good thing for the team but not for the elf
3on3 they are not really so useful except being a distraction

well, don't know about u though stonskin seems like a MASSIVE advantage on the team
How can recruit 24 bowmens at lvl 7? I saw many ppl with 24 and I can't get more than 22
They probably have Rally as a talent.
for sobolanul:
try https://www.lordswm.com/showperkinfo.php?name=leadership1
and https://www.lordswm.com/showperkinfo.php?name=recruitment
thank you
never thought to use other talent than +2 luck :D
32: yes stoneskin is good but after the druids use all the mana...itz game over
To Ilykeke :: yeahh the druids have use all mana, but if the - let us say FKS - that are given stoneskins can kill the main troops of enemies, then that is the other stories ... the wasted-Mana from the druids are so much usefull coz the stoned-Troops could use it for slaying the enemies .. but better stone to Griffss, FKS or Rogues ....

Remember, Not that easy the empty-Mana druids get killed, they have lots of HP ....
The level up point from level 5
Put it on knowledge for 10 mana?

And what about recruitings?

i just noticed that when you go to full elven bowmen and druids
you can have 21 fk or 5fk and 23 sprites
what do you think? (for hunts)
39: sprites good against slow enemies like zombi,demon because u can hit and run. sprites can move 2 times before their turn
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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