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im wondering which formation is the best ?

i tested(faeries|fk|bow|druid) 0|25|12|5 and 0|21|12|6 and 0|23|11|6 but all of them has some problems :((
for hako:

First, upgrade Faeries to Sprites. It IS a good upgrade.

As for the formation, that depends...are you asking for PvP or PvM?

Usually Sprites are prefered for PvM and max Fks preferred for PvP. I don't think it's a good idea to cut down on the bows at all...I personally would rather give up a Druid for extra fks.
well when i use 0|21|12|6 ( which is the most popular ) i will have a stack with 2 druid . this stack will damage 29 insted 0f 40 ( 20*2 = 40 not 29 ! )and my face to face power will be reduced since i lost 4 fks !

about 0|23|11|6 . i will lose a bowman and 2 fks and still the problem with the stack containing 2 druids . but more fk means a good help in the end of dual.

and for 0|25|12|5 : i think this formation is somehow great but when the opponent is an elf he will finish my bows faster than i do :(
to znyanya : they will die faster, imagine if a GM bowmen do knocking shot and have luck + deal critical damages to the favoured enemies ... Stay away from 6 tiles of GM bowmen ..

Best regards,

yeah of course the enemy will die faster if you hit it with knocking shot + luck + critical.... i bet that happens everytime huh ;p

soldier's luck doesnt guarantee that GM bowmen's every shot is knocking shot, it only increase the percentage...imo, it's better to use talent that benefit all of the army, rather than pick one that only 'sometime' works for 'some' of them (1 actually)....
imo, it's better to use talent that benefit all of the army, rather than pick one that only 'sometime' works for 'some' of them

Sure, you're right. However, there are some advanced talents requiring soldier's luck as prerequisite so if you want that talent, you'll just have to put up with a below average one. :)
im wondering whats the best strategy against necro ? all of them have one or two bowman stack , 1 and 14 stack of ghost , a 7 stack of vampire and some zombies . but cant defeat them at all ! which one is better for favored enemy and a complete guide from the start till the end !

thanks in advance :)
no idea yet ?

here is a dual against a wizard . easy win :) https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=474198317
here is a dual against a wizard . easy win :) https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=474198317
no miniarts at all
yes . he was a lvl 0 wiz :D

plz have a look at this battle : https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=474200610

why the elf in the other side ( my opponent i mean ) had +0.4 init but both me and the elf in my side had +0.3 ini ? the elf didnt have and arts im sure .
if he's higher elf racial lvl, he should hv 1% more initiative than u... check here https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=10 (racial skill table)
there seems to be a new building in my castle. i didnt eve build it.hhmm..i wonder what it is.
there seems to be a new building in my castle. i didnt eve build it.hhmm..i wonder what it is.

Which one do you mean?
The Altar of Harmony and the Stonegarden? for level 12
i mean that it doesnt have description but there is a building in the picture.
the fountain?
why are you changing subject?what fountain?
hard to kill necros especially when having apparitions and many vampires (also vampires count or i better say COUNT DRACULAS) ... just try to kill the vamps and the apparitions and step on them .. that is the common way .. but the best way to reduce almost 80% of their powers .. no ghosts, no vamps .. necros are nothing ...

Try it .. hehe ..
why are you changing subject?what fountain?

He means the fountain on the castle page which shows no name when you hover your mouse over it.

Correct me if I'm wrong, though, but hasn't the fountain always been there on elf castle? I'm certain I saw it before the new update.
what is bless? and why do u need some knowledge? and spellpower? please answer me this ;/
for Zenryotsuki:

This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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