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Authorin side the castle(s)
for Magma_Beast:
Aww, surely you don't mean that? Spartan's not a flooder :)

Although I have to agree, info here is difficult to take in. Some formating is in order ;)
to Magma_Beast
he made copy->paste without prices and in unreadable format

1. have you try to copy a thing form talent?
teach me how to copy!!! (talent)

2. prices?
i had spent few of my holiday time to type of the inform!!! (anyway just try to improve my typing skill and learning English)

3. unreadable format?
then show me a readable format!!!

4. flood?
what ever!!! (but is useful for me, i just want to share)

to shebali:
thanks :-)
for spartan300:
You're welcome. I know what you mean about coping from talents - tried that and failed miserably :)

Don't be offended by Magma_Beast though - he may not be very diplomatic, but he does have a point - unedited mass of text is difficult to read. But if you did it to practice your English and typing skill - gratz for your patience. You've done a lot of work.

Even then, while this information is useful, it can be found in plenty of places already. Though I suppose one more sourse can't hurt :)
I think Spartan3000 did some cut-n-paste from the castle page of each faction, he didn't copy the whole stuff from the Faction Reference of the Warriors' Guild.

The Faction Reference is much more complete, by the way, since it has links to each creature profiles and even to a simulator for the talent wheel of each faction. Not to mention gold for each building, upgrades available only on .ru server, etc., etc.


Much sweat would have been saved if Spartan300 had paid us a visit more often ;)
"Spartan3000" -> Spartan300, of course. No joke intended, sorry.
np :-)
me should had visit #145 Warriors' Guild website more often
closed by spartan300 (2008-11-24 22:27:04)
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